Monday, April 27, 2015

Ch. 25, Lesson 3

The U.S. and Foreign Affairs

The Patriot Act



    The Patriot Act...

    I think...

    - D. Domingue, 2nd Period

    1. The patriot act was a good idea at the moment only because of what had happened with the 9/11 attack we didn't know what was truly going on at the time because we weren't even ready for that to happen... Many lives lost that day and i know if i had a family member who passed on that day because of what had happened i would want the governement to go above and beyond to try and see who was apart of it but i do understand going through many people's personal calls, text, emails, and bank statments and if i had nothing to do with it i would be mad because they're going through many personal stuff and i would feel like i can't protect my own personal information. it did feel as if it went to far and it was unfair for them to go through that stuff but it was a moment in time where it was needed and we the people have to see what the government sees in their eyes. i Understand they shouldn't just go into homes without a warrent but thats where i draw the line they should get more then enough proof to prove they have a huge and reasonable reason to go into your home and look where they want only with hard proof evidence and a warrent to search the homes they feel that people are apart of terrorist attack.

      - jessica garza. 3rd period

    2. One thing that people need to understand from The Patriot Act is that it is for the safety of the U.S. so that there won't be another 9/11,I know it's uncomfortable that the government won't give you any privacy but its for the sake of the country.
      Carlos H. per3

    3. The Patriot Act-was put into place to find information that can help sieze terrorism in the united staes , but this form of security safety act has its flaws because it gives the government the right to violate our profecional and private lives and the information couled be stolen and abused,it could be used to steal financial information which can damage a family.More does need to be done to secure the safety of all americans ,but this is not the way to do it

      Saul Guerra fifth period !!!!! Go ECO Go!!!!!

    4. The Patriot Act of 2001 which was created after the 9/11 incident to prevent other terrorist from attacking the U.S. was controversial. Many people would state that the government looked for an excuse to quickly pass a law that would let them view personal messages of which could be realted to terrorism. Furthermore, i believe that the governmnet did right. Despite the violation of the 4th amendment, the government should have the right to prevent more terrorist attacks. Just think to your self,Who will stop terrorist groups if the government dosent have the power to do so? How many people would be affected by these attacks? could it be your loved ones or a very close friend?. No body will do what the government does if they dont get something in return. The government is the one who has all the resources to deal with these problems. This is why i belive that the government did right to pass the Patriot act of 2001.

      S. De Leon 7th Period.

    5. The 9/11 terorrist attack on the World trade center caused many changes to occur in the American government. One was creating a new government agency known as Homeland Security. The second was the creation of The Patriot Act which strengthened the government's homeland security power. Under this act the government has the power to seek information related to terrorism. Which means that the government has the authority to tap into phone conversations ,search library records, search phone records, search financial records, secretly search the homes of suspected terrorist, and detain non-citzens up to a week without seeing a judge or having a charge against them. To add on to the tremendous amount of power that The Patriot Act gave the government, the government doesn't need a warrant to enact any of these things. So , this leads to the question : What does the government consider "terrorism" or actions that are " related to terrorism"? Under this act, the government has the power to violate Americans rights, however they cover up that fact by saying these newly granted powers will give them the ability to better protect citizens from terrorist acts, even at the cost of the violation of civil rights, that citizens have entrusted them to protect. I believe that The Patriot Act violates citizens right to privacy. It allows the government to peek into our private lives , without a warrant, all because what they deem as "terrorist activity ". It makes one question at what cost will the government go to , to "protect" their citizens? It's obvious that with The Patriot Act that the government is willing to violate our rights out of suspicion of terrorism.

      -Tatyana Matthews 7th

    6. It is evident that this argument is well written by the emotion and versatility in which it was composed of. However to make the argument stronger you should have used the fact that this violates the fourth amendment to help emphasis your point. Finally I suggest that instead of using the majority of your paragraph to describe what the Act does, you should describe why you dislike it (be specific).

    7. Sweet I forgot to put my name ^^^ Vicente Rodriguez 5th period.

  2. The Patriot act, although aimed to protect the Americas from terrorism and loss of life. It seems that it can be misused and abused. The fact that our e-mails can be read, text messages and bank statements makes people uneasy. However it is a computer program scanning these messages and key words, so if you have nothing to hide than there should be no reason to be concerned.
    R. Mendez 4th period

    1. You should have included the fear involved with terror attacks and why this is happening in the first place. 9/11 projected fear into a lot of American lives so it was justified to go to drastic measures to increasue our national security
      Alex Arellano

    2. you have a point, if you have nothing to hide than there shouldnt be a fear that you may get into trouble, but the government is reading everything you text to someone. wouldn't that make you uncomfortable?
      c.aguinaga7 th period

    3. I agree with you, if you don't have anything to hide, then you should be fine. But you could've add the reason behind the patriot act and how it's linked to the war on terrorism, to make your point even better.
      N. Carrasco 5th period

    4. Good point, but you forgot to mention that they could even go into your home based off of what they think "could" be related to terrorism. I understand that if you have nothing to hide you shouldn't care but it's still an invasion of privacy that with no proof they can do all these things behind your back. They should find better ways.
      -S.Gonzales, 6th.

    5. Regardless of whether we have anything to hide or not, we still have a right to privacy. The government shouldn't be given the power to read text messages, emails, et cetera. I just think that the Patriot Act crossed the line between what's necessary and what's too far.
      - D. Jimenez, 5th period

    6. Its not like they keep the information they get on you if its nothing of interest the information just flows through

      -Jeremy Rodriguez 1st period

  3. The Patriotic Act was a good idea and the only way to help find those people suspected of terrorism. The government was doing everything they could to protect the people, however some of the people got upset. There is no need for them to get upset if were just trying to protect them. Therefore in my opinion, I do believe it is okay to give the government more power to prevent terrorist attacks, because the more power and protectionism we have, the more our people are safe. Safety is the number one concern and if we have to go extreme to protect the nation, then thats what we have to do.

    -C.Salazar, 4th Period

    1. You have a good point, but what if the patriot power is abused. What if the government begins to use their new power for non terrorist reasons. They'll begin to look at peoples businesses to see what they're up to. No that wouldnt be right. "The governmnet can always find a reason to be right". The leaders of government arent always good people who go by the rules...

      -D. Tovar, 4th period

    2. People think that the Patriot Act is breaking this amendment's rules, and that is why most are against it, but they don't know the truth behind the Patriot Act. People think that the government wiretaps random people, which is a violation of the constitution, but this is simply not the case. The FBI/CIA/Government does NOT see all your private information, they do not know more than they need to about you, no one will see your personal info and documents that do not contain the words they search for.
      Since 9/11 we have caught 17 potential acts of terrorism, because of the Patriot Act. And with as many as 15 known Al'Queda terrorist cells in the U.S. today, the Patriot Act is one of the most needed tools in the War On Terrorism.
      -C.Marroquin, 1st period

    3. I agree with your point and it is true. Looking through our information is a good way to help keep our society safe and knowing they aren't doing anything wrong. However, do you think about going to far into our information if they havent found anything is too much. They can go over the limit and look pass, then what they need to. We have to make sure they dont go overboard and just getting the information they need and thats it. They shouldn't exceed in there limit for looking into imformation than they already have.
      C.Salazar, 4th Period

    4. Even though The Patriot Act was made to protect the people, it was NOT the only way of protecting them. What the Patriot Act did was awful. It let the police force to go into your house without a warrant and search through your house. They can make a mess of your house and you are left to clean it up because they won't do it at all. They can also tap wire your phone and listen to your phone calls. Does this sound like it's protecting us? No. It's more like they are trying to invade our privacy any way it can. This act didn't prevent any future terrorist attacks from happening because they still happened, i.e. Boston Marathon Bombing. I agree that safety is our main concern, but there are other ways in protecting everyone WITHOUT violating their basic human rights. There is no reason to go all extreme, but yet, this is what the act does. I rest my case.

      - A. Perez 4th

    5. To go along with what I said, The Patriot Act was made for good intentions, but it still violated our rights. Along with your last statement, we DO NOT have to go to extreme measure to protect the citizens because there are other ways of doing that. So, that's all I have to say. (I don't mean to sound harsh so sorry)
      - A. Perez 4th

    6. Even though it violated our rights or privacy , wouldn't we wan them to go through our stuff rather then get killed ? i mean if you have nothing to hide then why worry about them seeing your stuff. in my opinion ill rather let them go through my stuff then get killed.Let's say that you know someone that you aren't so sure about and you feel like they can be a terrorist wouldn't you want the government to go through that persons stuff for your safety and the people around you ?
      think about it can go both way
      C. Farias 5th period

    7. To A. Perez, the U.S was going through a hard time at that time, and I am sure that the Patriot Act seemed more efficient in trying to prevent any more terrorist attacks than anything else. What else can a country do in a devistating time? how else where they supposed to tell if anyone was plotting some other devistating crime ? The government was more concerned about EVERYONE'S safety, opposed to individuals privacy, which does go against the constitution, but why would you even be making bomb jokes during a time like that to begin with? if you have nothing to hide then it should not be a problem. The governments actions were deffinetely appropriate during the time,

      A.Cardenas 6th period

    8. I understand your point of view and the points that you made are validated. However , I think that you failed to realize that people, in fact do have the right to be upset about The Patriot Act, for three good reasons. Reason one, The Patriot Act gives the government the right to violate citizens rights and directly violates rights endowed to citizends by the constition (e.g the 4th amandment). Resaon number two, the government doesn't need to take any precautionary actions , such as getting a warrant ,before they decide to investigate someone. Lastly, The Patriot Act was created by a government who was shocked by the horror of the terrorist attack, in fear of another terrorist attack and their judgement was clouded by their patriotism for their country. They forgot to stop and think of the controvery that would be surrounding it.
      -Tatyana Matthews 7th

  4. The Patriot Act was created in fear of 9/11 to protect the US from another terrorist attack like that from happening again. Overall, the act gave more (practically unlimited) power to to government when it comes to the privacy of the US citizens.

    I think that the Patriot Act was a good foundation at the time becasue of what just happened, however, continuing with it for this long does not seem to be efficient. It could be modified more to keep US citizens privacy more safe, and for non-citizens too, at least shorten the detaination days or something. I think that the Patriot Act should just be amended to adjust to the lifestyle we have in America right now. We have newer technology, the technology should detect threats, does the government really need to look though everyone's privacy? #ConspiracyOfCommunism

    - JM Gonzales, 4th Period

  5. The Patriot Act of 2001 was passed by Congress and signed by President Bush in order to simply protect Americans from any more terrorist attacks following 9/11. However I do believe that this bill gave way too much power to the federal government since federal agencies such as the FBI, and the Homeland security agency, are able to do things such as wiretap phonecalls, go through citizen's records, and even detain a non-citizen for up to 7 days, and all of this without a warrant needed. The bottom line is this: even though its main purpose was to protect Americans and American soil from terrorist attacks it gave too much power to the federal government, which is invasion of privacy.

    -L. Mendoza, 4th Period.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Have you thought of what would've happened if the government didn't pass such laws? There are terrorist groups such as ISIS that are gaining power therefore becoming more of a threat to our nation. Yes, it is an invasion of privacy but perhaps they prevented more than you know. Perhaps they are simply looking out for the American people especially after such an event happened like 9/11. There have been many threats from foreign nations against the U.S. which proves the point that maybe these laws are more of a service rather than a burden.
      -Ariel Villegas 4th period

    3. "Gave government too much power." ? If this act wasn't passed or created, who would have been on the look out? Who would of keept their eyes and hears open and be able to catch terrorist? Who? The law states that it only searchs anything that is related to terrorism. Only terrorism. The government has better things to do than searching every single persons email or phone records reading what gossip one has, what time one was one the phone, or the answers for a math test. The government looks for specific key words that are closely related to terrorism. If this law wasn't created, there's a pretty high chance another attack will happen because we'll have no one trying to stop terrorist. If you don't have anything to hide, you're good. This act is to look out for people who are trying to destroy our country, not know your Facebook password and see all the girls you're hitting up.

      -A. Guerra-Garces, 4th Period

    4. If you think about it in the end the governments efforts are worth it. Think about it many people wouldnt like to be victims of terrorist nor would they want a loved one to be a victim either. We just have to live with what we have either way in 10 or 20 years it wont be surprising nomore. We just need to stop this violence and if there is a better way i belive that we should use it

    5. If you think about it in the end the governments efforts are worth it. Think about it many people wouldnt like to be victims of terrorist nor would they want a loved one to be a victim either. We just have to live with what we have either way in 10 or 20 years it wont be surprising nomore. We just need to stop this violence and if there is a better way i belive that we should use it.

      S. De Leon 7th Period.

    6. I agree with you the government has to much power but without it we would have no where to look so and to do so we have to give the power to the ogvenment to protect us from attacks by looking into people phine and go through our info by looking for clue words by wiretapping into or phones, the reason it has these powers is to protect us from attacks like the attack on 9/11

      J. Becerra 7th period

  6. The Patriot Act was formed and passed by both Congreess and the president after the 9/11 attacks. The act itself increases the government's powers to seek information that could be related to terrorism. To me, it does give way too much power to the government. What I like about it is that it does protect us from future terrorist attacks, but, in reality, it doesn't. It can't protect us from any future terrorist attacks. I mean, just look at the Boston Marathon Bombing. No one could have predicted that and the Patriot Act did nothing to stop that and it didn't know anything about it either. So yes, it gives way too much power to the government. Like many other before me, it does violate our basic civil rights. They can search our house, tap our phones and make us feel like we are being watched 24/7. I truly believe that it was created to protect us, but it has done anyting but its intend purpose. No matter what, you cannot predict or prevent terrorist attacks from happening. Yes, the majority are stopped, but there are still some attacks that weren't and those attacks cost the lives of innocent people. Another thing, people believe that terrorist attacks come from foreigners, when in reality, most of terrorist attacks are domestic and because of 9/11, the majority of people are becoming Islamophobics, meaning that they suspect any Muslims to be terrorist when they are not. Those "random" airport searches mainly happen to Muslims because they are "suspected of being a terrorist." Racism to the finest. At the end, I don't like the Patriot Act because 1. it goes agaisnt our civil rights, 2. people are mainly suspecting Muslims to be terrorists, and 3. it's just a law that lets the government to spy into your own personal life.

    - A. Perez, 4th Period

    1. I agree that you don't like that the Patriot Act because it goes against our civil rights and it's just a law that let's the government to spy into your own personal life but it is for our own good. But, it helps us protect from all the fights and attacks. Additionally, I do agree what you said mostly. :-)

      -A. Ngeth | 4th Period

    2. The Patriot act was put in place to try and prevent terrorist attacks but natural they won't be able to stop them all. So one can't Jude the acts efficiency based on one misfortunant event, but think of all the attacks that have been prevented because of the act.
      M Mazuca 7th period

    3. I agree with you that the government was given too much power with the Patriot Act. It would be very easy for the governement to abuse the power, especially our civil rights. However, the power that was granted to the governement by the Patriot Act has served to keep our nation safe from terrorist attacks. Most people would not like being constantly watched by the government, yet it helps keep national security.
      -A. Rodriguez 6th Period

  7. The Patriot act was an act that was placed after the 9/11 attacks. The act allows the government to invade peoples privacy without a warnt. The government uses this new power to look for possible terrorist threats. I think that this is for the good of the country and so i believe that this act is justified. Many citizens complain about how our privacy will be violated and how its not right to allow the government to "eagle eye" us, but I the end, which one is preffered. Keeping your life away from government eyes, or keeping your life away from a terrorist attack. Aslong as the government doesn't arrest someone for some non terrorist crime, using the patriot act. Then the government would be abusing the power of the act, and then that would be wack...

    - Douglas Tovar, 4th period.

  8. The Patriot Act has a lot of power given to our government. When something like 9/11 happens I do believe our nation should be strengthened and give our government more power. But I also think that too much power can be very corrupting. And maybe that is what the Patriot Act did. It gave so much power to our government that it may have corrupted it. I don't think that all of the power given in the Patriot act is justified. Some of the power is understandable but some is just going overboard, such as the domestic spying and the expanded wire tap authority. It is a total invasion of innocent American lives.
    Alex Arellano 4th Period

    1. It may sometimes go overboard, but why would you want the government to take it easy? If the government were to lay off of us, there could be a huge possibility that they could miss something terrorist related because people said it's "a total invasion of privacy". I think the governemnt is just doing their job by keeping us safe. If they decide to do otherwise with their power, then they don't deserve the reposibility.
      - Daniel Escalona / 3rd Period

  9. Hello Dustin Domingue, nice blog!

    The patriot act like everyone keeps saying is a controversial topic. In some people's opinion it has helped the governent protect the country better and in other opinions it has done nothing but give the government an excuse to spy on its people and to obtain more power. My opinion falls in the latter. I think the government took advantage of such a sad event and twisted it to be a way to have more controll over the masses. The constitution goes as far as to protect us from quartering and from invasion of privacy. I wonder how sad our forefathers would be knowing that the bearers of their great country have now taken it and desecrated it by doing everything they said not to do. I think bush shouldve gotten inpeached for signing such a traitor stained bill. Preventing terrorism can be done without such methods. I am not a terrorist, I am an american citizen. You will respect me because that is your job!

    -C. Aranda 4th period.

    1. There is a computer that searches through emails that are made to search for things that can be related to terrorism. So unless you have anything about bombs you should be fine.

      - John M. Marroquin 4th Pd

  10. The Patriot Act is a hastily written document that gave the government powers that didn’t abide the constitution; however I believe that it was a necessary move for the government to pass this act in order to fight terrorism both foreign and domestic. Many people are afraid of the new powers that were given to the government, and many called it controversial due to the fact that it breaks several freedoms given by the bill of rights. What many Americans don’t understand is that some rights needed to be violated in order to truly seek out those who threaten people’s life. It’s like the old saying goes, why argue when you have nothing to hide. While many people have mostly deep and some disturbing secrets the government isn’t interested in your crazed fetishes, they’re busy hunting killers, men and women who dedicate their lives and sometimes ending them in order to serve their cause, their belief, or their god. As a future Federal Agent I understand this and wish that Americans also understood the necessary sacrifice it takes in order to not just ensure freedom, but protect all those who live under its flag. This act was necessary and helped stop one of the United States’ most hunted enemies in history. I proudly approve of this act.

    - M A Moreno, 4th Period

  11. The Patriot Act, The Uniting and strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism.
    I believe the government had good intentions in the patriot act, but there is just too many issues that people do not feel comfortable with. There is a standard of Human rights rergardless of country. The protection and freedom that we have from the government are believed to be violated because there is no need for a warrant to search our homes of our email. If for any reason we seem suspicious of terrorism, this act gives them the right to prevent anything that may go wrong. I agree with the intentions of preventing terrorism, reducing the threat of terrorism and helping recovery from attacks and natural disasters. Unless you are a terrorist, I think there really isn't any problem with this act.

    - John M. Marroquin, 4th Period

  12. The Patriot Act was established after the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. The Patriot Act was established in an attempt to prevent terrorist attacks. However, I do feel that the Patriot Act was taken to the extreme. For example, the Patriot Act allowed the goverment to search the homes of people suspected of terrorism without a warrant and also see private information such as, mail and phone logs. I am in favor of the protection of the country, but the Patriot Act was more of an invasion of privacy.

    Destiny Cantu
    4th Period

    1. In order for your argument to be stronger, it would have been better if you stated that the Patriot Act "Violates the Constitution" or something along those lines. By just saying the Patriot Act was a mere "invasion of privacy", your argument is not as strong as it could have been. Just a suggestion.
      -Brandon Castillo 6th

    2. Although the government has the power to go through your things, your privacy won't be exposed to the world and only certain people are allowed to see these things. This should only effect the people who are accused of terrorism and I believe this shouldn't bother you because you aren't hidding anything. If you elaborated more of how this is invading your privacy, maybe I can change my mind.
      K.Cuellar 6th

  13. I think the patriot act is a necessary way to prevent future terrorist attacks in the U.S. This was established to secure the nations citizens and protect us from such harm. After 9/11 occured in 2001, 3,000 lives were lost. Because of this incident, the patriot act and homeland security were established. Homeland security was created to prevent such attacks from happening, to reduce threat of attacks, and to help recover from such attacks. The patriot act was created to give federal agents the right to search financial and telephone records and to (secretly) search homes without a warrant. Yes, these laws are extreme and a complete invasion of privacy but with terrorist groups growing such as al Queda and ISIS, I don't mind as long as its there to ensure my protection against such groups.
    -A. Villegas, 4th period

    1. Give examples of what led to the Patriot Act, like the terrorists attacks, and such. Also explain how these laws are extreme, and why they are controversial to some people. Other than that, nice explanation, and reasoning.
      -M A Moreno,

  14. The Patriot Act is an acronym for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept Obstruct Terrorism. The act, that was passed on October 26th, 2001 due to the 9/11 attack allows law enforcement to use surveillance against more crimes of terror, federal agents to follow sophisticated terrorists trained to evade detection,and federal agents to ask a court for an order to obtain business records in national security terrorism cases. The Patriot Act allows investigators to gather personal information, without people knowing, and can share this information with fellow investigators. I personally believe that the Patriot Act was the right step to take in order to provide precautions on terrorism, however it was a rather large step. Perhaps if searches weren't to be secret and people could be notified as to when theyre being domestically spied on, the act would be much more acceptable of the people.

    - D. Ramos, 4th Period

  15. When it comes to the Patriot Act I am in between. I am in between because this act does help increase protection from terrorism but at the same time it is also seen as going against our rights. The Patriot Act was made in 2001 after the 9/11 attacks. This increased the governments power to seek information that could be related to terrorism. Not only that, Homeland Security was created. It prevents attacks from terrorists in the U.S., reduce threat of such attacks and help in the recovery from attacks or natural disasters. The controversy comes in because the government can search telephone and financial records, allows the government to secretly search homes of those suspected of terrorism. Because of that some people believed that rights were no longer protected, even though Congress made some changes many Americans still object it. This is why I am inbetween due to the fact that this act helps protect the country more from terrorist attacks but at the same time it might be also going against oru rights.
    -Cassandra Lewis 4th period

    1. Ultimately, where do you stand? It's a little difficult to determine. Although your point are well stated, it'd be better if you chose a side so that you could have a valid argument

      Luna, Sonya 4th period

    2. Just like sonya said, where do you stand?
      This is a matter of feeling comfortable. The argument is weak and needs a better take, consider taking a position and defending one side so that it is persuasive to the rest of us reading it.
      C. Lopez 6

  16. The Patriot Act

    I belive that the patriot act is an absurd and heinous act. It is an excuse of act to further infiltrating and purpatrating our privacy and further pressing our freedoms as individuals into the dark. I believe that 9/11 was an excuse for this bill that was probably created prehand and knew it would never pass but 9/11 gave it that chance.This bill does nothing but infrigne on our rights as americans to having our own private lives.So please use your brains and do not conform to this wave of communism guised as freedom.thank you.

    Davide Vela , 4th

    1. While it is understandable to see the act as "absurd and heinous" Is it not a safe precaution that has seeminlgy resulted in a nation with few terroistic threats in modern day? While it is arguable that the bill would have never been passed, there were not prior attempts to pass laws of similar matter that have been recorded. If this law was ever desired by any official, they would have made similar laws to a smaller degree in hopes of slowly moving torwards passing this law, however no one did. For this reason, its safe to assume that this law was not made through excuse, but as a sacrice that was soon found necessary.
      Gregory Huerta 6th period

    2. 9/11 was the date, make sure to state exactly what happened on that day with the world trade center, the pentagon, and Pennsylvania. Go in depth on how the Act infringes on our rights, details give the writer voice. Other than that, nice use of vocabulary, and good show on character.
      -M A Moreno

    3. Well what you said makes sense, however what happened justified the reason for the bill. It's kind of like the idea "you don't know what you have unitl you lose it." Well America lost quite a bit of people and mental comfort, so then they need something to protect what they have left. This bill was needed immediatly after 9/11, however to keep ALL of it it now doesnt seem to make much sense... and its not exactly communism, but fun to call it that; and by that logic then all mothers are communism for looking though all their kid's stuff.

      - JM Gonzales, 4th Period

    4. Vanessa Silva 5th PeriodApril 30, 2015 at 11:38 AM

      An Act of communism you say? Do you know what communism is? The nation is trying to protect its people through enforcing more power to the government through Homeland Security or the Patriot Act. Through giving the government more power we are only protecting ourselves, our human rights. You're saying its absurd, well if these absurd government aid wasn't here you wouldn't have your human rights right now. You wouldn't have half of the resources made available to you. In order to prevent repression, in order to prevent mass genocide, in order to eliminate the fears of being murdered by Weapons of Mass Destruction, it is crucial to allow the government to have more power in order to protect us. How dare you save 9/11 was an excuse for the government, it was a wake up call that actions need to be taken to protect the citizens of our nation. If The Patriot Act had not been enforced following 9/11 we probably would have had many more terrorist attacks and threats. Unless you want us to be on constant watch, and fear everytime we set foot out the door you need to agree with the governments actions.

    5. The government probably did gain a better opportunity from 9/11 to pass the act, but it's all for a good cause. How would you feel if you felt as if your family was being threatened by a possible terrorist, and the authority doesn't pay any attention to you? I would at least feel a little better if that person's person life was being watched just in case something were to happen. Just to be safe, knowing that I'll be okay. Giving the government the power to over see people's personal life is very effective, if that person is accused of terrorism.

      E. Gamboa 7th Period.

  17. So what you're trying to say is..... you support communism. America is not commusnist Michael... Regardless though, I still agree with you that at the time this act was completely needed, but now with newer technology and information, do we have to search the people, their homes, families, and grandma's house?

    - JM Gonzales, 4th Period

  18. The patriot act is a u.s. law passed in wake of the september 11 terrorist attacks. It's goals are to strengthen domestic security and broaden the powers of law enforcement agencies with reguards to identifying and stopping terrorists. Patriot act stands for " uniting and strengthening america by providing appopriate tools required to interupt and obstruct terrorism. " I feel like it gives the federal government power to take actions that would otherwise violate the constitution. The government has the power to seek information that could be related to terrorism. The pros to this act is that it helps protect us against threats by intercepting or interfering with communications of the terrorist. It promises the military and spies will protect the life liberty and pursuit of happiness under the condition that american citizens give up their constituional rights. These unwarranted searches without court orders and direct purpose are not in line with constitutional intent.

    Summer Salinas
    3rd period

  19. The Patriot Act is an act of Congress that stands for “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001”. I think it was okay to give the government more power to prevent terrorism attacks, however, I don’t think it was the best thing to do. I don’t think they should detain non-citizens for 7 days, I think they should detain them for a shorter amount of days because I feel they still have some type of rights. I think the Homeland Security main goals are great, by preventing terrorist attacks, reduce threats, and help recover from attacks or natural disasters. I think the government should have some type of power to protect against terrorist attacks but not be completely paranoid whenever we have non-citizens entering our country.

    -Luz M, Period:4th

  20. The Patriot Act...

    I believe that the Patriot Act was an action taken out of panic by President Bush and his Administration to keep people from lashing out at him to do something about 9/11; so he did. Although he acted extremely quickly to the tragedy, many people felt an immense lack of privacy being that the act allowed for the government to acquire phone records and unnotified searches of homes without a warrant if they suspected you were linked to being a "terrorist". In my opinion, these methods are pretty efficient in finding any kind of terrorist IF we were communists! Human rights in a democracy were put in place for a reason, simply protection from the government. Total contradictary if you ask me.

    - Ricardo Gil III, 4th Period

    1. I totally agree with you Ricardo. We have our human rights so that we are able to live freely and responsibly. However, the governement has done many things to help us earn more freedom than we already have, so I wouldn't think it's as contradicting as you think. On the downside, I totally agree that Bush did this Act out of panick and the amount of stress he had on the situation.
      -C. Campos, 5th pd

    2. i agree with you on how bush did that out of panic and i like how you worded that about our human rights in a democracy however, you sound biased focusing more on our human ruights and not our safetyand since you thought the governments power was so oppressing perhaps could have provided an alternative
      -m. hernandez 4th period.

  21. Patriots Act, the United and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstract Terrorism, this law increase the governments power to seek information that could be related terroism. The act allowed federal agency to secretly search the homes of those suspected of terrorism. I don't like alot of things because I disagree that they don't have to obtain a search warrant from a court before making the searches they believed. Also, I disagree about the CIA having power to gather intelligence in the United States and including laws that govern criminal procedure computer fraud, foreign interlligence, and immigration because it deals with EVERYBODY in the country.WE NEED PRIVACY. It's called a private place for a reason. This act is good towards criminal because they can investigate and search homes criminals easily. I think that this act has their pros and cons, well mostly cons because of threats, terroirsm, and fights, and riots.

    K. Bye :-)

    -A. Ngeth, 4th Period

    1. You believe that we need privacy? What if it was a case of you being in danger?, No one would be able to prove that you were right about what happened in the situation. No one through the government is going to judge you on what you do on your own time. The Patriot Act is for your safety and of those around you , it's not going against your right to prrivacy.
      - I.Gallegos 6th period

    2. While your opinion on the extent to which we need privacy is portrayed as more than crucial, think about the fact that if we gave too much privacy to our citizens, the criminals within the nation would be much more difficult to seek out. Sure, our privacy is important but if we want to be safe and avoid dangerous attacks, then the enforcement of this act itself is crucial. Otherwise, we'd be complaining that the government does too little to ensure our safety and any other potential terrorist acts would be much more probable, putting everyone(once again) in danger.

      Luna, Sonya 4th period

    3. Believe it or not, privacy to the individual is necessary to alot of people, otherwise the topic wouldnt be so controversial. I'm not fond of the idea of the government looking over my shoulder, watching every move I make attempting to "protect" me. Futhermore, The Patriot Act is juxtaposed to the Constitution's Bill of Rights, and is fairly contradicting to our so-called human rights.
      R.Gil 4th Period$$$

  22. The Patriot Act was passed in 2001, soon after 9/11. The act gave the government the power to seek information that could be related to terrorism. The government also has the power to search telephones and financial records and search the homes of those suspected of terrorism, without needing a warrant for any search the government decides to do. This act was basically created to target the increase of terrorism in the United States. After 9/11, the United States was never the same. Thoughts of terrorists bombing areas in the U.S. haunted the nation. However, this act received a lot of negative feedback from concerned citizens. They argued that the Patriot Act violated the 4th amendment because federal agents were able to search homes of those suspected of terrorism without a warrant. The aim was to unite and strengthen America by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism, however, I'd have to disagree with the Patriot Act and can't help but deem it unconstitutional. Yes, the act provides the government with a lot of power on what they look through just to stop terrorists. I think it's too much power given to this department. Keeping the nation safe is a priority but the measures they take are just too far. They're completely violating our right to privacy and that's not what the United States was built on. We're a free nation. Our rights are respected and guaranteed under the Constitution. The Patriot Act definitely went too far. I think the government should find different options to keep the nation safe.
    D. Jimenez, 5th period

    1. I almost entirely agree with you! perhaps the act is violating our right to privacy, and it is taking measures way too far. But, remember they are doing what they perceive as the best measures to take. They are just trying to make our country as safe as possible. Personally, I would rather be too safe than not safe enough.

      D. Ramos, 4th Period

  23. The Patriot Act(2001) is a law passed by congress to allow the government to seek information that can be related to terorism. which allows the government to access personal information like your telephone and financial records. The government is also allowed to perform a covert search which is when the government can search your home or any private place without notifying you about it, and they can also download information from your computer without consent making this law very controversal and hated by many. It is understandable that the government wants to avoid another incident like 9/11, but utilizing a law like the patriots act can have a major setback for the united states as it has more cons than pros.
    -J. Tapia 5th period

  24. The Patriot Act of 2001 was very well necessary. The government had the right to be given more power to prevent terrorists attacks.The Patriot Act gave the government the power to search homes and businesses that were under suspicion of terrorists acts. Also, they were allowed to search through telephone and financial records. As many would disagree, i believe the Patriot Act provided a safe envirornment for everyone. Yes, it may be less or no privacy, but if you have nothing to hide the act should not affect you in anyway. Would you rather be dead? Or have someone you dont know going through your texts and other records to save your life? The Patriot Act provided a more and safe country, therefore the pros overtake the cons.

    - I. Gallegos 6th period

    1. Do the pros really over take the cons? I mean, the government now has free range to know everything and monitor everything you do and will do. That means they con monitor not only your texts, but your emails, phone calls, any social media accounts, and through you anyone else in your life. Though you may have nothing to hide that is terrorist related, if the government were to see something illegal on anything tied to you, you could be arrested without there ever being any due process of the law all because of a text, email, phone call that may have been a joke.
      So i ask again, do the pros really overtake the cons.(Sorry if I came off as harsh)
      -J. Medrano 6th period

  25. The Patriot Act of 2001, was a good idea, and although it can be seen as being used for different reasons other the the initial reason that it was created for, we must still realize that it is created for our benefit. While reading our emails or text's, I highly doubt that the government is going to be there laughing about what we told Jane or John that we did over the weekend, and unless you have something to hide then it should not be a big deal. The way I see it is do you want privacy or do you want the possibility of being injured or dead by another terrorist attack? It is right to give the government more power, and instead of everyone being upset, we should all be thankful to have a government that truly cares about our well being, and to anyone that says that the government is taking advantage of that power, then I would say to prove it, rather than just assuming.

    -A.Cardenas 6th period

    1. I agree with your point. I think we should be glad that they take whatever measures they can to ensure our safety and our lives. If the citizen is a suspect they should be willing to cooperate to prove they aren't. I would very much prefer being safe rather than sorry.
      C. Cisneros 7th period

  26. The Patriots Act of 2011 was the direct result of the 9/11 incident. In hopes of preventing future terrorist attacks against the United States, the law allows the government to search through one's personal information such as phone records, books store purchases, and texts With the main goal of this act being to defend the country, the Patriot Act has been a beneficial safety precausion as far as preventing internal terrosit attcks within the nation. While it is arguable that the Act violates our constitutional rights, the government will only look in to those who've been assumed to have terrostic intent in the first place. Needless to say, the Patriiot Act has resulted in a safer community with less chance of terrorstic threat coming to our nation. In conclusion, the Patriot act is important for our country's safety, however it is understandable how it was not a very welcomed decision.
    -Gregory Huerta 6th Period

    1. First of all, it is The Patriot Act of 2001, not 2011. I agree that its main goal was to defen the U.S. from other attacks, but did it really have to make it so that police force can freely go into your home without cause? No, yet they still did it. That is both an invansion of privacy and our basic human rights. They did not just search anyone who is suspected of being a terrorist, but they also searched everyone and anyones house. It didn't make the community safe, it just made it paranoid to the point where they can't do anything they like to do without feeling like they are being judged by the government and everyone else. In conclusion to my case, The Patriot Act was created in order to protect the U.S., but it did make things worse by making everyone paranoid and because of it, people are acting like robots. It's a real life sci-fi movie. I rest my case.

      - A. Perez 4th Period

    2. The '2011' was a typo. And to respond, there are no documented records of increased/unjust home invasions by the police at the time of, nor today, the creation of the Patriot Act. Simply put, there is nothing suggesting that once the patriot act passed, the police started barging through random homes. And also, police officers still need warrants to do home searches. While it is true that the FBI can be mobilized to do the home search without a warrant, it is safe to assume that they are far to busy to concern themselves and waste resources just to be nosy in the lives of everyday citizens. As far as wire tapping and record searching, that is available only under the assumption that one is taking place in some terroristic activity, so in a sense, probable cause is still necessary if the government wishes to research a citizen. And lastly, it has to be decided by the government in order to act, not any worker in the government can simply look into a person out of curiosity without notifying other officials and being approved.
      -Gregory Huerta 6th period

  27. The Patriot Act, as good as it's intentions may have been, has made the government relatively over powered.The Patriot Act, enacted in 2001, was designed with the purpose of protecting the US and it's citizens from terrorist attacks. The government was then given the power to search, without a warrant, through private records and databases of citizens and said citizen's households if there was any suspicion of terrorist activity. Now, this is good in that some people have been found that had engaged in terrorist activity - however, because the only grounds needed is "suspicion," then the government is able to search everyone's records and houses under false "suspicion." Privacy, because of the Patriot Act, is now potentially irrelevant in the eyes of the government.
    -J. Medrano 6th period

  28. The Patriot Act is aimed to protect us from terrorism and to prevent deaths because of the World Trade Center being attacked on 9/11 , however this act is misused because random people are barging in and snooping in our business just because they “assume” we have something to do with terrorism. This act is dumb because too much power is being given to the government. I mean why place this act if they already have the ability to access any of our information. This act is wrong in many ways. For example this is like saying if I see a black person walking into the store, I am going to assume he will rob the place only because that is what some movies portray them to do. No one should have to assume anything, and second of all no one should have the right to access any of our personal information because that goes against the 4th amendment.
    -K. Mojica 6th period

  29. The Patriot Act is a law passed after the attack of 9/11 which allowed the govermnent to seek information that can be related to terrorism. This allowed the government to "access" any file they want to seek, which is upsetting to any human on this planet because it is invading our privacy. But what most people dont know that its acutally helping us by not having another 9/11 attack.
    B.Quezada, 6th

    1. I follow what you are trying to say and after thing you say is correct, but you are missing your argument as to for or against The Patriot Act and how does it make you feel. You stated "is upsetting to any human on this planet because it is invading our privacy" and I agree 100 percent with you. Also it is not preventing another "9/11" attack because it has already happened, so therefore I suggest you saying it will prevent us from having more deaths in the future. It is also preparing ourselves for what is to come, so that we know what to do in a situation such as 9/11.
      K.Mojica, 6th

  30. As a result from the terrorists attacks on September 11th, 2001, the Patriot Act was passed. The Patriot Act was meant to increase the security of our nation, but it gave too much power to the goverment. It is a very controversial law because it violates our rights to privacy. The Patriot Act is meant to protect our nation, to prevent another terrorist attack, but it is at the cost of the people's privacy. I truly believe that the law has and will protect us from future attacks. However, our rights to privacy are being violated by the government.

    -A.Rodriguez 6th period

  31. A surveillance monster or a necessity? The Patriot Act, an acronym for uniting and stregthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required To Intercept And Obstruct Terrorism, made to increase government power to seek information about terrorists. After 9/11, Americans were afraid for another disaster to strike and in order to prevent that the Patriot Act was made to protect agaist terrorism. If you are not hidding anything, you shouldn't worry about the government trying to seek information from you. Just because this is a law does not mean this will affect you personally.
    K. Cuellar 6th

  32. When the events of 9/11 occured, there was a consensus within the government that the security that America had was not enough and that there should be something done to increase said security. Despite the backlash that the act has garnered, the PATRIOT Act is what allows the government to protect the United States from terrorism. Yes, the fact that they can search any house without a warrant or go through personal records without their consent or knowledge does violate some values that American have, but the fact is that if the governemnt were to find hard evidence that someone was a terrorist or had terrorist allies, then the power given to the government would have stopped an attack that would have injured, or killed many. Furthermore, with the Act, the government agencies can now exchange information amongst each other, allowing them to give information that one has to another agency in order to prevent an attack by responding quickly. Lastly, within the recent years, there have been some changes to the Act that do not impede as much privacy as it was when it was first enacted, meaning that whatever it said was detailed could be changed.

    -R. Chairez, 6th Per.

    1. I agree entirely with your argument about the Patriot Act. Although, this Act started off with hurting people's human rights. The revisions over the past years and years to come have helped and will continue to help U.S. citizens from getting attacked from terrorist groups, such as Isis. The Patriot Act is an example of how our government works to protect our nation.
      J.Vasquez, 5th period

  33. I believe the Patriot Act was a good and bad thing in my opinion. The government or anyone shouldnt be able to go through your emails, text messages, or facebook, that is not right in many ways, but i also understand when it is about terrorism. Terrorism is very dangerous and is to be kept an eye on. That is where i understand when the government needs to go through everything to protect us and keep us aware of all harm. The government will protect us from any harm and people shouldnt get mad at the fact that they are snooping through their information. All it is, is that the government makes sure you or anyone else isnt part of terrorism. This kills, harms, injuries a lot of people which needs to stop. Government agencies can now exchange information to each other , that is allowing them to give out information that one agency is to prevent any attacks by a fast response.

    -G.Vasquez 7th Per.

  34. I think they did the right thing to let the government search without a warrant because think about it if you were in danger wouldn't you want the government to do something about it and that's exactlly what they did. It's not much about oh they're invating my privacy it's more like they want to prevent someone from dying and if you're not doing anything bad then it shouldn't have to be a problem. The USA Patriot Act, Uniting and strengthening America by providing Appropriate tools required to intercept and obstract terrorism, which is the outcome of the terrorist attacks in New York, in September 11, 2001, in Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania. Also something else that the government created after this attack was the Homeland Security, which the president has anothe person in the cabinet. The three main things they do is to prevent terrorist attackks in the US, to reduce the threat of such atttacks and to help in the recovery from attacks or natural disasters.

    R. Salinas, 7th Per.

  35. The Patriot Act was established due to a terrorism attack in New York, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania. It allows the government to obtain information and search the property of the potential terrorist with no warrants.
    I agree with the enforcement of this law because no one in America should be worried about being searched, if they have nothing to hide. It helps to prevent the loss of lives in an attack by seizing the attackers and their equipment, if any. I would rather be alive because the Patriot Act allowed the government to find the terrorist and stop them, than be seriously injured because others didn't want to be searched without reason.
    -C. Cisneros, 7th Period

  36. The USA PATRIOT Act is a violation of our basic rights as Americans. By invading our bank accounts,our search histories, and our phone calls the government has turned every American into a suspect in the global war on terror. Many aspects of the PATRIOT Act are severly flawed. The TSA, which was established to detect flight risks at airports, have become more invasive and erratic while the risk of terror declines. Likewise wiretapping, which was meant to detect terror cells by interpreting their communications, have expanded to monitor the personal messages of the Chancellor of Germany and the President of Brazil, our supposed allies. While the PATRIOT Act was created in earnest the emotion and fervor of the period in which it was past got the best of common sense and civil liberties, thus it is necessary that the most controversial aspects of the act be allowed to ride off into their overdue sunset and dignity be restored unto the American people.

    - A. Covarrubias, 7th Period

  37. The Patriot Act, is used to protect the people of the U.S, but as well as violates main of our constitution rights; our fourth amendment is violated when the act allowed governmental officials to come into our homes without a warrant or possibly when we aren’t even within it. It all comes down to the idea of stopping terrorist attacks from occurring, but that is like telling someone not to think the way they do, its not something that can be entirely stopped, especially by passing an act that upsets millions of the countries people.

    s.contreras 7

    1. If it's protecting the people, why are we still getting into war or riots? Why hasn't it stop yet ? It's because they have the right to go through anything and randomly start it. Honestly, there is no protection and there is stopping terrorist attacks because it just happens. But, I do agree that passing that act will upset millions of people and all the crazyness won't be entirely stopped.

      -A. Ngeth ♥ | 4th Period

    2. Sarah, I completely agree with you valid argument. Truly, the government is acting as spies and abusing of our rights (the fourth amendment) in manners that are severely wrong and unconstitutional. Our privacy to personal things and our own body –airport security, should be a priority of the American government. Who on this planet wants to be searched –almost harassed just to ride an airplane? By assuming that everyone is a terrorist suspect and having improper security measures, the U.S. government seems to be discriminating against their own people and harassing them. The Patriot Act was a good idea but the government has gained too much power that the act itself is a clear violation of our rights.

      Oscar Cardona 7th :)

  38. The United States needs the Patriot Act, which was created as a response to the 9/11 attacks, because it is a vital weapon in fighting terrorism. The patriot act increased the ability of law enforcement agencies to search telephone calls, e-mails ,and financial records, with no search warrant needed. Even though it increased the government's power and some consider it to be unconstitutional, it has more pros than cons, because it was designed to protect us. For example if they don't need a warrant or permission to search, they will not alert the terrorist that they have found out, and law enforcement agencies can intervene before the plot is actually executed. Many terrorist attacks and another war can be prevented with the patriot act and the lives of many innocent people can be saved. If we want to be protected, then we have to accept and give up some of our "privacy".
    N. Carrasco 5th period

  39. I think that the government made the best decision for our safety by passing the Patriot Act. If you think about it, if we had the patriot act before the event of 9/11 it would have helped prevent it saving many lives. Yes it might go against our rights but without this law we would have nothing that can lead us to future terrorist acts. It also approved the department of Homeland security which has three main goals which are to prevent terrorism attacks, reduce threats and help recover from attacks or natural disasters. I think it was a great decision made by the government but I also think that it should have minor adjustments for example, being able to assume someone is a terrorist and having the privilege to search them without a warrant.

    J.Becerra 7th period

    1. The patriot act is something that is supposed to protect us from any type of terrorist attacks, but I want to bring up an event that happened about two years ago; the Boston Bombings. If the patriot act was doing anything effectively, besides violating our rights this event would have not happened. So is it exactly protecting us from anything? No because terrorism, an awful ugly thing, is something we can’t prevent or stop or fully shut down, it will always be there. We can protect our people the best we can be we shouldn’t be allowed to violate any of their privacy. We get terrorist threats many times throughout the year, and where they come from? Somewhere over seas where we can’t stop them from doing what they plan. The Patriot act is not very useful and violates the rights of our people, plain and simple.

      s.c 7

  40. The Patriot Act of 2001 was created after the attacks on 9/11. I believe it was the best decision that our government made to pass the act because it helps protect us from having another devastating day like 9/11. Although, 9/11 wasn't the first attack on the World Trade Center. I believe our government should've passed the act before. By doing this it could've saved many people's lives and the Department of homeland security could've prevented it from happening. The department of homeland security although was created after 9/11 has three main goals; which are to prevent terrorist attacks on the U.S., to reduce threats of suck attacks, and to help recover from such attacks or natural disasters. I think that although the Patriot act should've been more carefully analyzed it would've helped many others by keeping them from being accused of being terrorist.
    J.Vasquez, 5th period.

    1. At what cost will it take to keep our people “safe”. Emotionally driven citizens undoubtedly saw the Patriot Act as an instant relief to the mind boggling threat however this relief comes with multiple side effects. Multiple amendments were ignored in creating this law. The fourth, sixth, and even the fourteenth amendment are some of the many things that make this country the way it is, and to simply just bypass our civil rights at “any means necessary” is not okay. I understand your argument and respect it highly, however I encourage you to reconsider your ideals over the patriot act.
      - Jonathan Rosales, 6th

  41. The Patriot Act

    While many citizens feel that the Patriot Act violates the protection to several of their constitutional rights, the Patriot Act helps in protecting those very citizens from terrorist attacks. If the government chose to neglect to address the 9/11 attack and do very little to prevent any future attacks on the U.S., the people of this nation would do much more than merely complain about the violations of their rights. Therefore, increasing the government's power to obtain information that could ultimately prevent terrorist attacks on their country was the right thing to do. Not to say that our opinion is insignificant toward this matter, however, I say that if you want to be protected from potential terrorists then, the government is right in enforcing this act. However, just as long as the gov. doesn't take things too far("climbing in your windows and snatching our people up") then all is good. So, if you're afraid Obama is going to be peeping through your laptop camera or chiming in on your phone, just act like a crazy person and dance like there's no tomorrow or you can even pull an Iggy and start spitting some rhymes. Literally spitting... Eventually, the gov. should stop spying, right? :p

    Luna, Sonya 4th Period

    1. LOVE THE END ! I agree that the government's power obtains information that could ultimately prevent terrorist attacks on their country was the right thing to do, and that it protects us. GREAT JOB :-)

      -A. Ngeth ♥ | 4th Period

  42. After the terrorist attacks of 9/11 the emotions of our country were undoubtedly unstable. Our president at this time, George W. Bush, thought it was a reasonable idea to sign the Patriot Act into effect. However, our president forgot to take into account the rights and freedoms of the people he governed. The Patriot Act gave the government too much power, shading the line between security and personal freedom. The Patriot Act infringes the constitution. The Patriot Act violates multiple ammendments of the constitution. Because of the Patriot Act american citizens are no longer protected from "unreasonable searches". Also our "right to a speedy public trial", "right to liberty", and our "right to legal representation" would be striped if we were suspected to have committed acts of terrorism. Why fight for freedom at the cost of our own?
    -Brandon Castillo 6th

  43. The patriot act was created in response to what happened on September 11, 2001. This law increased the governments ability to get information that could be related to terrorism by searching telephone records, financial records, and even secretly search people's homes. With that being said, too much power has been given to the government. They should not be able to secretly search our things because they believe it "could" be related to terrorism, they should have some sort of proof before coming into your home. Along with many others, I believe that the power the government was taken way too far. The government should have power to protect us against terrorism, but not that much because they're invading our privacy. They should find better ways to protect us.
    -S. Gonzales. 6th.

    1. Ms. Gonzales,
      I couldnt gree with you more. The PATRIOT Act authorized the government to invade our privacy and treat us all as terrror suspects. The reasoning for these investigations was flawed if not non existant and a historic violation of American's civil liberites.
      - A. Covarrubias, 7th Period

  44. I do not think it was right to give the government more power to prevent terrorist attacks. The Patriot Act is by far the most unconsidered law to have ever reached the president’s desk. Due to a vicious terrorist attack from the members of Al Qaeda on September 11, 2001, the United States responded in several ways. One response to the fall of the World Trade Centers was the creation of the Department of Homeland Security in 2001, another response was the Patriot Act. The law increased the government’s power to seek information that could be related to terrorism. It allowed the government to search telephone and financial records. It allowed federal agents to secretly search the homes of those suspected of terrorism without the need of a search warrant from a court. This act completely disrespected the Fourth Amendment which clearly states that unreasonable searches and seizures are prohibited and require a warrant which is to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause. The Patriot Act was a resort of quick thinking, however it was carefully planned to bypass the privacy of the nation. Because of this clear infantry into our homes is why I do not think it was right to give the government more power to prevent terrorist attacks.

    -Jonathan Rosales, 6th period

    1. You have an excellent arguement with sufficent reasoning, however to better further your agruement try acknowledging the good things or benefits to seem not as biased and one sided. -Davide Vela , 4th period

    2. Your argument is very compelling, with your evidence and passion showing. I would say to add some info on the revisions that they have done to limit its powers, yet at the same time, give more evidence on how it infringes on some rights. I would disagree, however, on the focusing on everything negative as it makes the argument seem very biased.
      -R. Chairez, 6th Per.

  45. The Patriot Act. I think the pariot act is not an infringement on personal liberty, and it is not an invasion of privacy because it does not violate the 4th amendment, it is fully constitutional. In a time of terrorists and terrorism, America must be kept safe from harm, and If we are to do so legally, constitutionally, and rationally, it was quick thinking to prepare and to prevent terrorist attacks. The Patriot Act must be kept around. It is a good thing, and it is constitutional (which is REALLY important), and it will help to keep us safe. -C.Marroquin 1st period.

    1. Even with this act being enforced, we are still experiencing terrorist attacks today, within the US and outside of it. The unacceptable searches of our phones, homes, and financial records are violating peoples rights. This makes people feel like they are not free or safe in the comfort of there homes. If anything, the Patriot Act is only making citizens feel uncomfortable.
      -M.Castillo, 1st period

  46. The patriot act of 2001 was created to protect the U.S. from future terrorist attacks, this act allowed agencies to look into any and all citizen's personal information, meaning they could get into your facebook, instagram, twitter, the camera on your phone anything to find out if someone is planning to commit a terrorist attack.Many people don't like this kind of power the act gives the agencies, that it violates the fourth amendment, it violates our freedoms, But unless you have something to hide they can't use any information against you, This is America, its not about freedom anymore its about being comfortable and safe.
    - Jeremy Rodriguez,1st period

  47. The Patriot Act of 2001 is a result of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centers on September 11, 2001. The Act increased the government's power to seek information that could be related to terrorism. This included granting the NSA, CIA, FBI, and other intelligence agencies, powers such as the right to conduct covert searches of citizen's personal property without notice, domestic spying, and the sharing of potential suspect's information between federal intelligence agencies. While I believe this Act to support a noble and justifiable cause, I don't believe the Act and its consequences were thoroughly thought out. The Act was signed into law on October 26, 2001, 48 days after the attacks on the World Trade Centers. To me, 48 days is not enough time to be certain whether these types of invasive laws, which majorly affected our nation's foreign policy, are necessary or will even be effective. I believe that, had the Act been signed withr more logical thought and less emotional response to the attacks, it would have been more effective. Instead, it almost immediately sparked controversy between liberals and conservatives, as well as law-abiding citizens who did not appreciate the government snooping in their personal lives.
    -J. Macias, 1st Period

  48. The Patriot Act has caused much controversy in citizens of the United States. Some people feel they are safer, but some feel violated by its outcome. This act was created to prevent terrorist attacks, but has it provided the government with too much power over our rights? I think that it has. The tragity of September 2001 was a day where the United States was afraid, and it didn't want to feel like that again. I feel that this act was rushed. Violations such as secretly searching homes of suspected terrorists without a warrent, and the ability to search telephone and financial records. I think the fear was too great in people at the time, and they rushed to make an act that very much disrepects the rights of american citizens.
    -M. Castillo, 1st period

    1. would you rather be searched without a warent or would you rather die from a terrorist attack ? i dont belive it was rushed i belive it was the right deccision to help prevent further attacks - yosio marquez 1st period

  49. The Patriot Act is a pretty needless boost in power for the government. Terrorist attacks are still prevalent; disasters still occur. The Patriot Act impedes on many liberties protected by the Bill of Rights. There is basically no limit to how deep the government can dig to search for your private and personal information. There is no checks to make sure the government is acting constitutionally. Big brother is watching u

  50. After the terrorist assault on Sept. 11, 2001, seared the collective conscience of the civilized world, the U.S. legislative response came quickly. Within 45 days Congress passed and President George W. Bush signed into law the United and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act .the U.S.A. PATRIOT Act.

    l think that the Patriot Act of 2001 was created after the attacks on 9/11. I believe it was the best decision that our government made to pass the act because it helps protect us from having another devastating day like 9/11.
    Milton Medellin 1pd

    1. I think you should've added the way that it made you feel. As to if, whether you'd agree or disagree with this law.
      - J. Falcon, 3rd Period

    2. Why is it the best decision that our government has done after 9/11? There are still terrorist threats happening to this day. The government does not have the right to search/ invade your privacy without a plausible cause. Even less, if they can detain you for 48 hours (U.S citizen), or a week if you're a non-citizen. The government should not think you are a possible threat because of your religion, etc. Nonetheless, they should take action, only if they have valid reasons why you should be investigated.

      - L.Moreno Period:4th

  51. the patriot act was created to prevent terrorist attacks like 9/11 , with this act the government had the right to look at your phonecalls ,emails ,txt messaages , social media post and anything els they want ,they did this to help prevent attacks , people argue that this act goes against the 4th amendment but i think it is a small price to pay for freedom and safety , i would rather they look through my stuf than losse my life

    -y marquez 1st period

    1. I agree with you entirely. The PATRIOT Act was created to help protect citizens from terrorist attacks and to prevent the possibility of an attack by checking suspicious purchases, phone conversations, emails, and even books that may have been bought or checked out. The government will only go through this information if they have reason to belive the person is accused of Terroristic acts.

      N.Puentes 7th Period

  52. In my opinion about the Patriot Act, I think it was most certainly right to give the governmnent more power to prevent terrorist attacks. Like many other people that felt that this law went too far, I do not. And altough congress made some changes to the law. Some Americans still object to it, though. However, this law is capable of preventing another terrorist attack such as that of 9/11. Which is why I'm not against it because from my point of view if I were to be against it, than, I would be against my own saftey and that of other inocent people. The Patriot Act is a law that increased the government's power to seek information that could be related to terrorism. It alllows the government to search telephone and financial records. The act also allowed federal agents to secretley search the homes of those suspected of terrorism.
    - J. Falcon, 3rd Period

    1. I respect your opinion, but do you also believe that it is "certainly right" how the 4th amendment protects us from unreasonable searches, but the patriot act bypasses that? Or the 6th amendment gives us a right to a fair trial which this awful act can also bypass. The american people need to realize that this act infringes the constitution which is the stepping stone to a good government.
      -A.Torres 4th period

    2. I agree with your statemet although, I feel that everything has its downfalls. I think at some point the government took too many measures and made citizens feel as if their privacy was being invaded.
      -D.Ramirez, 4th period

    3. I completley agree with your statement about how the Patriot Act was a great idea. It protects the people of America from another terrorist attack like 9/11, and the people who are against the Act do not see it that way, they're just focusing on how the Act violates our 4th amendment but they do not understand the good in this act.
      -G. Boyd, 5th period

  53. The Patriot Act is a good thing to keep our country safe , but at the same time it has its downfalls, Its getting in our way of our rights. if they are going to invastigate me I would like to be notifed before the government goes through my personal stuff. its not right to go through citizens personal information with out them knowing. the government has taken it a little too far because they are paranoid abuout another terorist attack. they shouldnt waste time on someone who has their record clean, instead they should be worrying about more important stuff.
    - Eva Espinoza 3rd period

    1. i understand what you mean by letting us know before hand but what if the person with a clean recored was invloved with what happened and they tell him ahead of time and he or she gets to delete everything and we would never know if that person was part of anything andd cause a threat to us here we just have to see it was something needed at that moment in time so it wouldn't be able to happen again we just have to see how the government sees it as well.

      -J.Garza 3rd period

    2. I see your point in this but if the government isn' t paranoid. They care about protecting the people of this country by preventing potential terrorsit attacks, if they don't then something like 9/11 can happen again. If the people were notified that their houses will be searched then they can get rid of any possible evidence. And it's also true that if you don't have anything to hide then there shouldn't be a prooblem.I'm sure preventing terrorist attacks on our countries is a very important thing.
      -C. Lewis 4th period

    3. I see your point in the government going to far because theyre being paranoid and looking through our private things just because they can. Then again the point you made about letting us know before they search our house the people would get rid of possible evidence.
      - B. chavana, 4th period

    4. the patriot was created to stop event lik september 11 from ever happing again and you may feel as this invades our rigth but i would rather them look throught my phone records and etc then ever have to go through another september 11 and freedom isn't free the will always be aprice to keep our freedom and peace of mind
      A.Reyes 4th period

  54. the patrioct act was a created in the goverments response of the 911 terroris attacks in 2001 it basicly gave the government agencies the right to spy on out priivacy our email phones facebook anything we post on the internet but it also gave them the right to search our house, car etc basictly our private stuff without a warrant from a court judge.
    I think that the patriot act was a good idea but it gave the government too much power to search our stuff without a warrant from a judge because you are not warned that yoou are being spyed like for example if the person who is spying over your presonal stuff could steal your identity of bank records withoout you even knowing and this act was passed without even being revised by congress it was just passed without being looked at
    G castro ramirez 3rd period

  55. In my opinion The Patriot Act gives a bit too much power to the government, even though it is for our security it is a bit too much. The Patriot Act gives the government permission to search phones and financial records, they can also search bookstores and that is fine because books do have loads of information, they should also be able to arrest non-citizens that come into our country especially if they're from a country we have had trouble with before but what I'm not so comfortable with is that they have the power to secretly search your home, and also have the power of domestic spying. That for myself is too much, they shouldn't be allowed to search someone's home without a warrant or spy on someone while taking fotos and videos, even if they have nothing to hide, it takes away all their privacy but we should prevent as much terrorrism as we can. So even though The Patriot Act does have some good ways on preventing terrorrism it does take it a bit too far. There are somethings that I'm okay with and something's I'm not okay with, so I don't really oppose to it but I'm not comfortable with it either.

    -L. Lopez 3rd period.

  56. The Patriot Act was made to prevent terrorist attacks towards the United States. It gave the goverment the power to search for any signs or an act of terroism which allowed them to search through out phone calles, text messages, emails and anything else that has to do with social media and electronics. Which i think is not fair since it is not following the fourth amendment.

    A Hernandez 3rd period

  57. There are many good things abouut the Patriot Act but in my opinion is simple. I agree with that law. if i could i would have been the one to sign it. Only because that laws will be the main reason why we wont have another terrorist attack. Yes they're strict but it is for our own good. I mean the only reason why i would be against this law would because the goverement might have too much power because they can tap your phone or hack your social media but then again why would they have too if you didnt give them a reason. And i bet most of yall didnt think about this act till we learned about it but the law has been an effect since 2001. So I am all for this Patriot Act and you should be too.
    - Jonathan Lopez 3rd period

  58. The Patriot Act was created after the terrorist attack on 9/11. The Act increased the governments power to seek information that could be related terrorism. It allolwed federal agents to secretly search the homes of those suspected of terrorism with no need of a warrant. They were allowed to look through a suspects phonecall history, emails, texts, anything they can possibly do to prevent a suspect from doing any harm. I agree that it is invading privacy but the government is doing its job by protecting us all, trying to reduce a threat. Many people believe that the law went too far and that their rights were no longer protected. Although it would be nice for the government to cut down a bit of the law. But, people should have no worry on the government needing to seek information from them because this is not for every person. It is only for suspects.
    - M portales, 3rd period

    1. Are you sure though that it is only for suspects? What everyone needs to understand is that the government by doing this is invading the privacy of innocent people. Even you stated here that they are able to go through texts and phonecalls all without a warrant or probable cause. If the Government is simply going to to invade everyones privacy, even thouigh it is forbidden by the constitution, then why is there a Constitution in the first place? Yes, it is to protect everyone from a possible threat but why take it that extreme.

      -L. Mendoza, 4th Period

  59. The Patriot Act gives government the right to search for any information that might be related to terroris, without having to get a warrant or permission. The government can search phones, emails, financial records, etc. I personally do like this act. It makes me feel safe knowing someone is on the look out and can stop anything right away, and prevent events like the unfortunate 9/11. Warrants take too long! With this act, government officials can take the situation and fix it right away. I don't think it invades any privacy. If you don't put any key words related towards terrorism or destroying the country, you should be fine.

    A. Guerra-Garces, 4th Period

  60. The patriot act was created after the terrorist attack known as 9/11. The act gave the power to the government to look through emails, texts, and phone logs. so people would say that this is a good idea because they're protecting us and trying to prevent any future terrorist attacks from happening. Then there are other people who are against it saying that the government will abuse that power and violate our privacy just because they can.
    - B. chavana, 4th period


  61. The Patriot Act is a direct violation of many amendments. One is the bill of rights first amendment (freedom of speech), the fourth (no unreasonable searches or seizers), the sixth (speedy trail), and the ninth (rights retained by the people). And the Privacy Act of 1974, The Patriot Act violates a law congress made in 1974 called the PRIVACY act of 1974, which states that all American citizens have the right to privacy, that all agencies have to ask for your permission before looking up you history, and that you have the right to look at your history. Sadly, the government has ignored these laws and have the power to look thru your phonecall history, emails, texts, etc. I don't have anything to hide. However, what angers me is the fact that the government can look at my things without my consent and without a warrant. If we let the government take away this right, what's to stop them from taking more?
    -Ale O Torres, 4th period

    1. I agree with everything you said about how they are breaking the rules and not following the amanedments. Also they have the cops having more to power to do what they want us to do and getting away with it because the could say they are following the rulse of the patriot act.

      A.Hernandez 3rd period

  62. The Patriot Act is a very smart idea that was made after the attack of 9/11. Some U.S. citizens don't approve of the Patriot Act because it violates our constitution, but the Patriot Act was made to protect the people of America not to ruin their rights as people. The USA Patriot Act stands for Uniting And Strengthening America By Providing Appropriate Tools Required To Intercept And Obstruct Terrorism, it was made to stop terrorists from attacking the US in any shape or form. The Act iincreased the governments power to seek information that can be related to terrorism, the government does not have to obtain a search warrant from court before making any searches, they are able to search telephone and financial records, and also allows federal agents to secretly search the home of those suspected of terrorism. Though the Act interferes with the 4th Amendment, the government feels the need to go this far and beyond to protect the people of America, and I agree and stand for the Patriot Act.
    - G. Boyd, 5th period

    1. Would you still stand by the Patriot Act if the government assumed you had information that was related to terorrism ans searched your home randomly without consent? how about if they just look into all your finacial records, telephone records, and through your computer and took information from it, becausew they are "trying to protect you". Yes the Act has its pros which are beneficial, however, regardless on what the purpose of the act is or what results it brings it voilates our 4th amendment of the bill of rights which is in the constitution, and our government is to abide by our constitution, if it doesnt what was the point in ever creating it.

  63. The Department of Homeland Security was established in 2001 following the 9/11 attacks, the purpose of the department is to prevent terrorist attacks in the U.S., reduce threat of such attacks, and help in recovery from attacks and natural disasters. In my opinion it is vital for the government to have more power to prevent terrorist attacks for the best interest of the nation's security. Human rights are universal and governments need to fight against repression and genocide in order to protect people of all nations, and their human rights. The Patriot Act is an excellent example of why it is essiential to give more power to the government to protect us, because its purpose is to unite and strengthen America by providing appropriate tools required to interrcept and abstruct terrorism.

    -Vanessa Silva 5th Period

  64. The US Patriot act was an unjust law passed under Bush in a hurried frenzy. The 9/11 attacks were undoubtedly a major attack and many lives were lost, however, I feel as if the nation's current mindset should not have influenced the passing of a law. The citizens and government were all in fear and panic, which allowed Bush to pass the US Patriot act because they thought they would be safe again. This law took away the privacy of citizen's phonelines, emails, and even book store records, and allowed the governemtn to seach through it without consent. This is the same as if a cop were to approach you and demand a search without a reason. It is an obvious violation of our 4th amendment and should be repealed.
    -Luis Cruz, 5th Period

  65. The Patriot Act was made by Congress and Sighend by president Bush in 2001.After the attack of 9/11 which was involve by terrorism. The patriot Act gives the government more power, in order to see more to see terrorism threats, or what they plan or if theres any it can prevent many thing in the future to happen. So i believe it's a good idea, the government is just trying to protect citizens and Americans .
    C.Farias 5th period

    1. I wholeheartedly agree with your comment, although there are some citizens who are not completely honest through their electronics. Many citizens may argue over the fact that this is an invasion of privacy, when in all reality, it is our government trying to keep the citizens of the United States as safe as can be while "snooping" through their emails, texts, phone calls and social media. If they were to re-vamp this bill, there would be tons of feedback and controversy leading up to the downfall of safety in our country today.
      -G. Martinez 5th period

  66. Honestly no mainly because, they are invading our privacy, secretly going into our homes and snooping around. When is that ever okay? There are limits and rules and as of right now they are breaking them. There is a certain extent and why should the goverment have any sort of right to be doing this at all? I'm sorry many might disagree with me but if i was that person being watched and having my house being looked at all the time scretly than, yes i'm going to be mad why wouldn't i? Who says they are only doing this to people they are suspicious of? They could be looking through everyones personal things and we wouldn't even know. Sadly our own goverement has completely ignored our rights and the 4th amendment to just to look through our phonecall history, emails, houses, etc. This act completly violates The Privacy Act of 1974 like since when were they allowed to do this? In the end, who knows they just might keeping violating our rights and, What freedom are we going to have left?
    -Stefani Garcia, 5th period

    1. Yes its considered an invasion of privacy but if you arent hiding anything from the governemt why would you be offended or get mad about it? They are trying to protect you and looking out for your safety.

      D.Huerta 7th

  67. I think the patriot act isn't bad as long as they're not abusing their power, which I don't think they will. It started because of 9/11, and who knows, maybe if we had the patriot act before they would have seen it coming. If they have to look through people's personal information to protect us from terrorists then so be it. I wouldn't care if the authorities looked through my things, I don't have anything illegal so why would I care? You shouldn't be worried if you have nothing to hide. The only people that should be bothered by this are the terrorists.
    -A.M. 5th

    1. I absolutly agree with you when you say, "I think the patriot act isn't bad as long as they're not abusing their power, which I don't think they will. It started because of 9/11, and who knows, maybe if we had the patriot act before they would have seen it coming." You Definetly have a wonderful point about that. Maybe if we did have the patriot act before 9/11 we mightve stopped it, or at least stopped it enough where not so much damage was taken.
      --J. Elias 7th Peiod

  68. The Patriot Act was enforced as a law after the awakening of 9/11. Because the terriorist groups attacked the Twin Towers and killed almost 3,000 people from the airplane crashes, the goverment had to set up new rules regarding safety. This act gave the goverment to search through basically everyones privacy such as email, credit information, phone calls, ect. I find it unfair because some people dont need all there information to be put out in the public and because its uncomforable to have people look or watch everything you do. Some people like me feel like the 9/11 attacks gave the government a reason to disrupt everyones privacy.

    - Billy Garcia 5th period

    1. i am with you on that billy the u.s has stepped it up since 9/11 and has had more concern about our well being and
      -Adrian Gonzales p5

  69. In my honest opinion i think the patriot act is the best act it protects us u.s citizens from terriost attacks and plots against even stop terriost from putting there plot into motion homelan security has done a damn good job they have stepped up there game since the 9/11 atacks that has been the only major plot that has cuaght us in a bind and since the only meer little louse ups but other then that they protects us under the patriot act
    -Adrian Gonzales , period 5

  70. The Patriot Act had good intentions becoming a law, however, it ultimately violated the fourth amendment and privacy of US citizens. 9/11 was tragic, everyone can agree, but it is very unfortunate that we, only the common citizen of the US must suffer and live a documented/public life. The act discourages all to live at peace and live to mention how the government watches our every move and every text. I am also skeptical about how the governement pinpointed all of the common citizens but failed to mention the law will also fall upon governement officials. It's loop holes and escapes, since they know how to cover their tracks we suffer the consequences. Totally absurd.
    C. Lopez 6th

  71. As a result of the September 11 attacks, in New York City, The Pentagon, and in Pennsylvania, the United States’ government passed the Patriot Act, an acronym for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism, in 2001. The Patriot Act seeks to prevent such terrorist attacks, help victims of terrorism, and helps victims of natural disasters. However, although such act seems quite beneficial for a nation like ours, truly it is taking away our right, given to us by the 4th amendment of the constitution. Our homes can be searched without the government’s permission or consent if a “terrorist related” accusation is evident, which violates our freedom and privacy. Such privacy is frankly only for the use of American citizens not the government. There are other alternatives that do not take away from us the rights that are clearly stated in the constitution. The Patriot Act is evil and yet another corruption of the American system.

    O. Cardona 7th

    1. I agree with your statements and love how you incorporated the 4th amendment. Many people seem to over look that the governmentis slowly but surely taking our rights in a hypocritical way.
      o. Escalera

  72. After 9/11, the Patrioit Act was created to help keep citizines safe from terrorist attacks. In order to prevent such attacks, authorities must know of all possible attempts that may be planned in order to be able to prevent the attacks from happening in the first place. Authorities shoould have the ability to search anyone who is ACCUSED of terroristic acts or in the planning stages of a terrorist attack. Being able to access phone, email, library, and purchase records will give the authorities the info they need to be able to accuse, search, and detain those involved of such acts. Giving the authorities access to such records, should truly help in preventing any terrorist attack, or in ruling out possible threats. Realistically, you should only worry about the government going through your personal info if you're planning a terrorist attack and told someone about it. Otherwise, the government wouldn't have reason to search through your personal info.

    N.Puentes 7th

  73. The Patriot Act, due to the incident on september 11, this law was passed to save lives and prevent any other type of act from terrorizing the country. I think that at the time they were thinking what was best at the moment to keep people safe and therefore invading peoples privacy seemed like a good idea. If we look at it now, about 13 years later, it seems very wrong and an abuse of power .
    c.aguinaga 7th period

    1. Dylan Rodriguez 4th PeriodMay 1, 2015 at 10:44 AM

      The Patriot Act was a response to the terror attacks on 9/11, this is true. This Act is still in place today because terrorism hasn't gone away. The powers it gives to the government are tame and necessary if we want to continue our way of life without worrying about future attempts on american lives. If we want a certain level of security, there will have to be some sort of sacrifice to our privacy. This sacrifice shouldn't be worrying...unless you're a terrorist.

  74. The "USA Patriot Act" stands for Uniting And Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. The Patriot Act of 2001 is a result of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centers on September 11, 2001. The Act increased the government's power to seek information that could be related to terrorism. Some U.S. citizens don't approve of the Patriot Act because it violates our constitution, but the Patriot Act was made to protect the people of America not to ruin their rights as people. Over-all I believe it was a wonderful idea to create 'The Patriot Act"
    --J. Elias 7th Period

  75. Due to the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and previous terrorist attacks. The government released the patriot act, in order to protect us from any terrorist threat or attack. The act gives the government permission to go through some of our personal information and be able to respond to any suspicious information. The act was a great decision on the governments part, seeing that they are able to spy on any terrorist threats or activity. Some people will view this as an invasion of privacy, but note that the government will only view your material, if you seem to be a "threat". The idea that the government will go through all of your personal, simply because they can is ridiculous, considering all of the time and effort. Better to be safe than sorry, you should only be scared of this act if you plan on having an insidious agenda.
    - L. Talamantez 7th Period

    1. I strongly agree. However, would if these "suspected terrorists" are not even really terrorists. At the end of the day we are citizens and the Patriot Act does violate our rights. Each and every single one of us is entitled to the right to privacy.
      Destiny Cantu 4th prd

  76. With The Patriot Act, even though it is aimed to protect Americans from life loss and terrorism, seems it can be misused and/or taken too far at times. I can see how having the government being able to see our emails and bank accounts and basically seeing everything we do can make people scared at times, but honestly if you have nothing to hide, there should be no problem.
    - Daniel Escalona / 3rd Period

    1. I agree, but how will the government keep the United States safe from terrorism if they were not allowed to check up on people and their habbits. The government should have the power to search peoples belongings if they suspect that the person is up to something. This is the only way to pick out a terrorist or a terrorist threat.
      Weston Redding. 6th period

    2. I agree with your statement, the american people should have nothing to worry about knowing that the government is only doing what is necessary to make sure that there is no terrorist threat of any kind slipping through the internet or mail.
      - Larry Talamantez 7th period

  77. the patriot act was aimed toward terrorism due to 9/11. Bush immediatley signed it into use oct 26,2001. this allowed the gov. to access our emails, banks, phone records, and enter our homes IF suspicion of terrorism causing people to feel threatened or privacy violated. but in reality, this act is meant to protect us. if there is nothing to hide, then oh well.
    Marissa O 3rd period

    1. Hello marissa

      Im really offended by your point of view. It seems like you belong in a communist country. Genocides dont start from one day to the other. First the people get oprresed. They get their civil liberties taken from them. They are made weak. The patriot act could be the beggining of an era of oppresion against the american and you just sit back and let yourself get spied on, get your personal information and texts read. I dont see why people got so mad over the itunes icloud hack. The government has been the same to you seen 2001. But i bet youre happy with that arent you?

      Hope you get all your rights taken away from you soon,
      Christian aranda 4th period

    2. Marissa,
      This kind of thinking is entirely closed-minded, and your opinion is the exact way that the government hopes you will think. You must consider that the Patriot Act, in a way, denies citizens of certain civil liberties and directly violates the 4th Amendment guaranteed to us in the Bill of Rights. While I agree that if you have nothing to hide you should be okay, I respectfully disagree with your apathy -- "Oh well" is not the attitude to have when you are being deprived of your central rights.
      L. Stephens, 5th period

    3. People are overreacting. It's selfish to complain about the gvt's infringing on our privacy when they are only doing it for our safety. Does it really matter if a gvt. agent sees your texts? They don't even know you. Would you rather wait for the terrorists to bomb us and the they investigate?
      -A.M. 5th

  78. Dylan Rodriguez 4th PeriodMay 1, 2015 at 10:36 AM

    I think the government should find some medium between infringing on our rights to privacy and looking into all of our information for links to terrorism. The Patriot Act itself doesn't seem so bad, the problem begins when government officials begin twisting its words to interpret it how they please. I believe that the powers given to the government through the Patriot Act are necessary if we want the level of safety and security we expect. Bottom line is, if you're not a terrorist, you should have nothing to worry about.

  79. the patriot act was a bill passed to prevent terrorism however the government gained too much power out of it violating our human rights thats what many people argue but what theyre over looking is our safety think of it this way look through emails financial records or have the possibility of having hundreds of casulaties even thousands if you have nothing to hide then you shouldnt have any problem with this act however i do see how people would get ticked off by someone envading their privacy and i think the government could take different measures
    -M. Hernandez 4th period.

  80. Prior to 9-11, similar acts to the Patriot Act were rejected countless times. 9-11 was just the perfect event to have majority support in Congress with the excuess to prevent terrorism. Yes, the effects of 9-11 were devastating and all the lives lost were unacceptable, but sacrificing the privacy of American citizens? Perhaps I'd agree with the act if its powers were not so broad. It allows the search of your home with out your consent as well as a warrant, the snooping of your text messages, phone calls, the snooping of even your financial records only because you were "suspected" of terrorism. This "suspicion" is based on personal judgement, which some officials could have taken too far. So if I "looked" Muslim, I would be searched? I do not disagree with the intention of the Act, it successfully created the Department of Homeland Security which bonded branches as the F.B.I. to have information together to prevent attacks, but as years have passed, the powers it gives should be filtered. If police officers now are depicted to abuse their power, how about then when the image of a hijab was considered evil by patriotic Americans? Homeland Security does much to investigate but these powers of searching with out a warrant or consent should be regulated in order to comply with civil liberties for all, not only regular Americans but innocent American Muslims.
    O.Escalera 4th period

  81. The Patriot Act, in an effort to protect human rights, levels of freedom, and prevent terrorist attacks, indeed oversteps its boundaries in that Homeland Security is granted permission to sift through your personal text messages, emails, and even financial statements that are supposed to be entirely privatized to ensure "security". However, the Department of Homeland Security feels that in order to ensure this security, they should tap into personal items without court warrant -- this is so controversial in that the Patriot Act technically defies the 4th amendment that protects citizens from unreasonable serches and seizures. If you have nothing to hide, then the searches should not be a problem -- however, it is the principle of not truly being protected under the Bill of Rights that makes our citizens uneasy. Under the Patriot Act, the government does not have to present a search warrant, or even state that they had probable cause to perform a search -- that seems a bit communistical to a lot of citizens who feel that they are being denied their civil liberties.
    L. Stephens, 5th period

  82. I think, as a U.S. citizen, we all should be entitled to our privacy. Yet, as someone who wants to be safe in the U.S., I think we are also entitled to give up our rights for our safety. The Patriot Act was put together in 2001, aiming to prevent another crisis, such as 9/11, from happening. How is a computer system going through our private emails, texts, phone calls, and social medias offensive to anyone? If its for the greater good, our country and its well being, I think that this should be acceptable in the nations security and safety.
    -G. Martinez, 5th period

    1. I completely agree with you that if this is "for the greater good" then it should be accepted everywhere and with everyone.
      Avari Jecmenek

    2. "greater good" nice way of putting it. i agree completely. it shouldnt be offensive if it is for our safety.
      Marissa O

  83. The Patriot Act is meant to serve as protection to the American people, to prevent terrorist attacks and find the sources of potential threats. The reason for its passing was because of the events that occured on September 11th that put the nation as a whole in paranoia. But because of these actions not only has our government been granted access to our personal and private information without consent but also sterotypes and discriminates others simply because they "look" like terrorists. Is this really for the good of the people? Since these attacks on 9/11 how many threats has the Patriot Act really prevented as compared to other means of recieving information. This flat out goes against our rights as citizens and lets "big brother" keep their heads over our shoulders.

    1. The Patriot Act is suppose to prevent future terriost attacks. if none has happened then this is good. The government is doing the best they can to keep our country safe. By getting into some information can make a huge difference in preventing a attack.
      M. Mendez, 5th period

  84. The Patriot Act of 2001 was a very smart move for the United States. On the contrary, I do not think it should be right for the government to be going through our own privacy because this is the land of freedom. There are situations where the government should look up our information to find out anything about terrorism, but I do not believe they should be opening everything we have just for nothing.
    -C. Campos, 5th pd

  85. At the time the patriot act didnt seem so bad seeing the events that were taking place, but at the same time it is an invasion of our privacy and who knows if the government is actually only using it on people they suspect as terriorist. This gives the government access to pretty much everyone and that again is a huge invastion of privacy. I believe there needs to be a compromise with this act. It seems that the Patriot act is doing its job but it is an uncomforting feeling knowing that the government could possibly be spying on everyone.

    Avari Jecmenek Period 5

  86. The Patriot Act is an act that in deed does benefit the citizens in the long run. Yes, it gives the government more access and power to the peoples' privacy. However, this is a really good way to prevent terroist that may live among us and are planning to hurt many people. Many would say that the government is intruding our privacy but if you have nothing to hide, why bother? The government isn't going through your emails or bills just to be nosy; they are doing so to see if anyone is doing anything that could led to possible terrisom. Therefore, the Patriot Act is a very benefical Act.
    -M. Mendez, 5th period

    1. This however goes against our 4th amendment right as it clearly states it protects people against unreasonable search and seizures and the thoought that someone might or might not be a terrorist based obviously with no evidence since they wouldn't need to search you without your knowledge if they did is completely agianst the 4th amendment as well the 5th amendment states that in order for someone to be detained and charged with a crime they must go through "due process" and part of this process is to have the approval of a judge for a warrent of both an arrest and to search your home or information. Making this law completely and utterly unconstitutional.
      J Garcia 6th period

  87. The United States Patriot Act simply passed only because of the post September 11th emotions that was shared by every American/ Congress men. Infact the law was passed so fast that no one was able to grasp the basic fact that it violates the 4th Amendment. It is very clear that the Pratriot Act should no longer be used. If it were useful than maybe it would have prevented the incedent at the Boston Marathon however it did not and does not work.

    Vicente Rodriguez 5th period

    1. I totally agree with this what if i wanst ment to spy or keep an eye out for terrorist but in reality it was used to spy on americans. If anything the government is probably reading all this right now.
      -B.Quezada, 6th

    2. i agree with what you have said. I really dont think its spying, it more of keeping an eye out for those who are apart of terrorist or if people are trying to be and the govenrment sees it on social medias being put out there. The government could just be keeping an eye out before any harm is being done.
      Gabby Vasquez 7th

    3. The Government is there to help prevent the U.S. from any terroist acts, but the Government does its very best to do whatever it takes to keep the lives of America safe and sound. Yes the Government shouldve been more aware of the Boston Marathon, but the Government can not save every individuals life, after the tragic event the Government tracked the people who were a part of the event, it wouldve been a tremendous change if there was a change and the Marathon of hundreds of people killed and injured had been prevented, but with The Patriot Act the Government found its way, serving justice for those people who lost there lifes or even changed there lifes. So there is a need for The Patriot Act and it is still effective.

      -V. Hernandez
      7th period

    4. I think that you're right about emotions running high about emotions running high after 9/11 , but I do think that the patriot act is necessary and effective enough because worse can happen, and at least after the Boston marathon we were able to catch the people responsible.
      7th period

  88. The USA Partiot Act is a law that was passed after 9/11, that allowed the government to seek information that could be related to terrorism.The USA Patiot Act is an acronam that means uniting and strengthing America by providing approprate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism. This means that the government has the power to access your personal information including your phone calls, library records, texts, history on the internet, and how you spend and recieve money. The government can do all of this without a warrent. I believe that this is nessecary because i would like to know that I am safe from terrorism. All of these might be a little much but if it is going to keep the United states safe than they should be able to do it. The Patriot Act has helped the United States gain information and take down terrorist so it is crutial to America's saftey.

    Weston Redding 6th period

    1. I totally agree with you, there is a need for a safety in todaysa society. With so many crime and violence happening on the daily, plus the want for MDW we definalty need the government to step in. Since there is no superman or avengers, the government is the only help we can seek for.

      A. Garcia

      6th period

    2. *WMD come on Arturo get it together bro!

      A. Garcia

      6th period

  89. The Patriot Act has led to the goverment completly bipassing the bill of rights as it says they have the power to search anyones information or home on the sole basis that they might be a terrorist. The problem with this is that terrorist is a very broad term and anyone could technically speaking have some sort of terrorist affiliation so this means that they can seach anyones homes or information without ever having to justify it to anyone. This might be a decent enough price for safety except that the goverment has had very little progress in actually catching terrorists.
    Juan Garcia 6th period

  90. The Patriot Act passed legislation and signed by POTUS Geroge Bush in 2001, it increased the government's power to seek information that could be related to terrorism, without the need of judicial permission. The cause for such a law to be passed was the disasterous event of a terrorist attack where a group of terrorists high-jacked planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center, the pentagon, an open field( no casualties other than the ones in the plane). The resulting effect was the signing of The Patriot Act in the hopes of preventing another suchh event to take place here on U.S soil. I think the principles of this law are just, I would rather allow the government view my e-mails, texts, social media posts, and other means of posting electronically than let another attack happen.
    J.Hidalgo 6th Period.

  91. The Patriot Act was passed in 2001, due to the whole terrorism attack on the World Trade Center, or commonly known as 9/11. The act gave the government power to get information that could be related to terrorism. Such as, searching telephone records, financial records, or even searching your home (if you a suspected of terrrorism). In my opinion, giving the government more power to search someone's personal life is a good idea, if they are suspected of terrorism. If you have nothing to hide, then there should be no problem letting the government look through your personal things. Even if it violates our Constitution, its for a good cause. Which is, stopping someone who will be a threat to our country.

    E. Gamboa 7th Period.

  92. The Patriot Act is a good idea that only came about due to terroist attack on 9/11, which created fear among the American citizens. Due to the horrific attack, the government is allowed to have access of any terroist plots, encounters, or plans, that may occur,it prevents the country from having any harm to occur.

    I strongly believe without the Patriot Act, the U.S. would be in a situation of not knowing about ISIS, or other terrorist groups that are trying to hurt our country. Yes, some people may find it unreasonable for phone calls, text messages, and even social media to be looked through by the government, but it is reasonable to save a million lifes of people of America to protect its country, from any threat being made. The Patriot Act is something we ourselves as citizens should not feel a threat to, we should be glad and thank our government to take precaution and the safety of our lives.

    V. Hernandez

    7th period

  93. The patriot act was passed by President Bush in response to the 9/11 attack to protect our citizens in case of another terrorist attack. I think the act is just a simple way to protect our nation, after all "our safety is the number one concern" in this country. The Patriot act like any law/act has it's pros and con's. With the patriot act, cons such as misused power, invasion of privacy and assumption of terrorism is a couple of reasons why U.S citizens have become upset to the passing of the Patriot act. In the other hand the act is a good way to protect our citizens in our country from another possible attack. It also strengthens our national defense groups and their communication

    D.Huerta 7th

  94. The USA Patriot Act is an acronym for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept Obstruct Terrorism.This was an act where the goverment felt that they didnt need a search warrant approval from the court in order to search homes, emails, text meassages, etc. Some may argue that this is just an effect from 9/11 terrorism attack, which was a set up from our own government, but no one one has a evidence to prove that conspiracy. But what we do know is that there is people out there, world wide that hate America with a passion, and are willing to kill another 3000 citizens maybe even more. The scariest part from all this is that terrorism is within the nation, to make things even worse, there is no specific way these terrorist look like. Every one uses the racial stereotypical arab with a beard and bushy eyebrows. But in reality it can be anyone you socialize on the daily. Meaning a friend, teacher, neighboor, or even your parents! This is why im comfortable with this act, and have no concerns about our government taking a look to my personal accounts or even messages. I dont have anything to hide and far from the mentality of killing or harming any living person. If you feel that the government is doing too much for the safety of your life and those who you love and cherish then get out of this country. Simple as that. Go to Europe or Asia, maybe then you can enjoy thier freedom. Thats if they even have any. In reality of thing our government tries its best to maintain peace and keep society in order, not control, but there is always against it. Which makes life even harder. In God we trust, may he bless America!

    A. Garcia

    6th period

  95. On september 11, 2001 a terrorist attack was carried out against the U.S by a terrorist group called Al Queida . After this attack was carried the country was in a state of paranoia which led to the passing of the USA Patriot Act that is an acronym for: Uniting and Strengthening America by providing appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism. As a result of the patriot act the Department of Homeland security was created ; the department had three main goals : to prevent terrorist attacks, reduce the threat of terrorist attacks, and help recovery from attacks and natural disasters. The patriot act increased the governments power to seek information that could be related to terrorism; this was controversial to some Americans because the government could search telephone and financial records, and search the homes of suspects without permission. I believe that these laws are controversial but they're are there for reason.. to protect us from worse things happening, and so they can prevent things from happening before they happen.

    H. Mendoza
    7th period

  96. I think we shouldn't have given the government so much power because I mean look at them they cant handle it ad they clearly cant handle what is going on today in the world with isis so that just shows me power that we are giving the government really doesn't do much.
    k. Martinez-lopez 3rd pd.

  97. I think that by giving the government more power, it clearly allows them from preventing more chaos being created. Although, some American citizens would not like their government to have more power, it can allow the government to protect us and make it easier to keep us safe. As the saying goes,"better than safe than sorry," I much rather have our government handle more power compared to where the government can have less power; consequently, leading to a terrible event such as 9/11 where many Americans had lost their lives to the terrorist attack. By having the government more in control, it will allow our nation to be better protected.

    G.Lugo 5th pd.

  98. The Patriot act was put into play after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the world Trade center. It gave the government more power to investigate and prevent acts of terrorism by allowing the department of Homeland Security to search our personal record and search our homes without us knowing if suspected of terrorism. I believe this was the right way to go because it has prevented many attacks already. The only reason I think it would be a bother is if you were doing something wrong. If your a law abiding citizen the government isn't going to come after you because of the dumb messages you send your friends they only look into you if you use terrorist key words or phrases. So I do believe this was the way to go.
    M Mazuca 7th

  99. I believe that the Patriot Act is a big act that should be focused on because it saved us from many people dying while serving our country and also people that live where they attacked at. I think it was a right choice to give the government more power to prevent terrorist attacks because the government has more control on countries and gets things done such as coming up with the WMD a weapon that can kill and damage large numbers of people. Also destroying or damaging a large physical area. so with that being said the giving the government more power it gave us more advantages.

    Melleah Mireles Pd 4

  100. I believe that the government should have the power not only for beneficial purposes but also for the saftey of others. yes they can barely handle the isis but eventually things will come together and will have the power to stop it. Its takes time to accomplish things especially for the government.
    melleah mireles Pd 4

    Referring to K. Martinez-Lopez 3rd
