Sunday, August 24, 2014



Which of the theories do you think most reflects our government?
  1. In your own words, summarize what the theory is.
  2. Give an example or experience of how our government reflects that theory.


  1. 1.) The theory that most represents our government is the pluralist theory. This theory emphasizes that there are groups each competing and pressing for their own/party's preferred policies.
    2.) During election season, it is most often seen that a Democrat is running against an opposing Republican party member. Each with their own policies, they compete in a campaign vying for the seat behind the desk in the Oval Office in order to enforce the policies that best suit their accompanying party.

  2. 1) The theory that most represents the government of the United States would be the pluralist theory, which is two or more interest groups competing with each other in the political arena, with their preferred ideas or parties.
    2) We experience this theory in the U.S. during each election,when the candidates from different parties compete to win the campaign.
    Natalie Carrasco pd.5

  3. 1. The Pluralist Theory best represents the US, this theory is for governments whose key groups compete to have their way set yet at the same rate compromise any conflicts between each other.
    2. The US experiences this theory whenever we have the presidential elections, in which usually Democrats and Republicans compete but once the president is chosen he has to please both sides.
    - Cheyenne Raine Cisneros 7th

  4. 1. The United States government reflects the Pluralist theory due to having usually two groups presenting their policy preferences in organized efforts (campaigns).
    2. A very popular example is the presidential elections, where two members of opposite party compete , sharing views and convincing people to vote for them.
    olga escalera 6th period

  5. 1. Our government relates more to the pluralist theory,because of the two parties that compete one another during campaign,election etc.
    2. A great example in the United States of a Pluralist theory is the Presidential election, which is when the two members of the two different parties compete one another and try to pursue us the people to vote for them by sharing there best ideas and to make this nation a better place .
    Cynthia Farias,5th period

  6. 1) Out of the 5 Democratic Theories that exist the one that relates to the one that the U.S. has would have to be the Plurist Theory which simply states that there are groups that compete by promoting its policies through organized efforts.

    2) One perfect example of this would be the Presidential Campaigns which are held every four years. Different groups/candidates try to influence voters to vote for them by presenting their policies/strategies/solution over many contreversial topics that exist at the time.

    -Luis E. Mendoza 4th pd.

  7. 1.The pluralist theory, where two or more political groups compete against each other to obtain chairs in a political office, most reflects our government.
    2. Political parties lobby for themselves and/or individuals of the same party as a part of their political campaign.
    -Brandon Castillo 6th period

  8. Ashley Ngeth - 4th PeriodAugust 29, 2014 at 4:14 PM

    1. I think the pluralist theory reflects on our government because we try to process all the policies together(in like groups) and there is others that try to rival on each others(parties) ideas and ''shifting as powers.''
    2. An experience that we have is the presidential election because we have the two different parties that compete with each other to convince citizens to get their votes.

  9. 1-Electoral democracy is when the people get to vote for who they want to represent them.
    2-Our governed officials have all been voted by the people in previous elections. We vote every four years for a president.
    -Amber Cardenas 6th period

  10. 1.the pluralists theory would be the one the U.S. mostly relates to because its all about competing with each other
    2.every four years theres a presidential election and the people running need to win the peoples support

  11. 1. The pluralist theory because it encourages competition between the groups.
    2. Elections are between two political parties the Democratic and the Republican.

  12. 1.I believe the pluralist theory closely resembles our government due to its emphasis on competition between two groups.
    2. This is displayed in any election we hold.

  13. 1.The pluralist theory is most relatable because groups compete.
    2.Politicians campaign during elections.

  14. Luz Moreno - Pd: 4thAugust 30, 2014 at 7:14 AM

    1. Our government reflects the Pluralist theory the most. This theory is when the government likes to compete politically to get one's needs.

    2. An example of this would be The Presidential elections. Where we have 2 different parties campaign to win the title.

  15. 1) Traditionally its a government that depends on the consent of the governed. But our country fits best the with the pluralist theory which is groups competing in a political place.
    2) elections haooen all the time, there's multiple parties etc.
    Jonathan (duckbear) Rosales
    6th period

  16. 1. The pluralist theory truly reflects the American government. This theory emphasizes that politics are just a competition since groups or government leaders fight each other for their preferred policies.

    2. Every four years as a president leaves the White House or decides to run again for presidency we soon start to see ads or commercials that speak positively and negativity of both the democratic and republican parties. Each party member has his/hers own ideas and proclaims those ideas to the public in a competition for the White House.

    Oscar Cardona 7th period

  17. Davidrudy Perez- 4th periodAugust 30, 2014 at 10:47 AM

    1. The theory I feel the government most reflects on is the pluralist theory because it shows two different candidates competing for what the want to win... Mostly because of the competition going on.
    2. This is shown during elections, the candidates running compete for the role they want to take place in out government and none but the less advance and one winner comes out at the end.

  18. 1. Don't mean to sound like a band wagon or anything but everyone has already pretty much said it themselves; the pluralist theory most closely reflects our government.
    2. It is a group of people, many different groups, in power that represent us for what we want in out government.
    - Alex Arellano 6th period

  19. Arleth Guerra GarcesAugust 30, 2014 at 11:09 AM

    1. I think the Pluralist Theory is the theory that most reflects our government.
    2. An example would be the presidential elections. Candidates from different parties compete against each other.

    -Arleth Guerra-Garces. 4th period.

  20. 1. The pluralist theory most reflects our government because of the competition amongst groups.

    2. Like the pluralist theory, our government allows groups that take interest to promote their policies and compete against others pressing for its own preferred policies.

    - John Marroquin 4th period

  21. 1. The Pluralist theory is competition between different parties to obtain chairs in office.
    2. The Pluralist theory is used in the United States in elections for the party that the president candidate is in, including governers and other candidates also running for spots in office.This suits our government perfectly because the non-presidential candidates can use the president for just his party whether it be republican or democratic.
    Vicente Rodriguez

  22. 1. I believe its the Pluralist Theory that reflects our government most and it is basically a competition of interest groups/parties to be in office.
    2. Its used for EVERY OFFICE of government, either Democrat, Republican, or Independent. They say they focus on certain problems that their party believes are important to get the vote.
    -JM Gonzales, 4th Period

  23. Skye-Lyn Gonzales, Period 6.August 30, 2014 at 2:56 PM

    1. The theory that most reflects our government would be the pluralist theory where there is competition among groups for office.

    2. An example is during election season when democratic and republican parties compete against each other both pressing their preferred policies.

  24. 1. The us Government reflects the pluralist theory due to having two campaings presenting the policy preferences.

    2.a grest example would be during the election where two oposite parties compete presenting their preferences .

    sergiodeleon p 7

  25. Aaron Covarrubias- 4th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 4:05 PM

    1) the pluralist theory best exemplifies put government as in the present day United States government we find that policy is being shaped not by elected officials but by the interest groups who support them.
    2) Whenever gun violence erupts, congress always states that it's top priority is to pass legislation addressing the issue. However 2nd Amendment rights groups and the politicians they support and gun control groups and the politicians they support often spar in the political arena, leading to eventual gridlock.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. 1. The theory that the U.S.’ government most reflects with is the pluralist theory. The pluralist theory is where a few groups compete and promote their own policy preferences.

    2. Every time that a President’s term comes to an end, different groups (political parties) compete and basically take a tour around the United States promoting their ideas in order to get more people to vote for that particular party. I.e., the Repubs vs. the Democrats.

    - Dulce Jimenez, P6

  28. 1. The pluralist theory reflects the American government. This theory indicates that politics are just a competition since groups or government leaders fight each other for their favored policies.

    2. Every four years as a president leaves the White House or ends running again for presidency we soon start to see ads or commercials that speak good and bad of both the democratic and republican parties. Each party member has his/hers own ideas and demonstartes those ideas to the public in a competition for the White House.

    -Stefani Garcia, 5th period

  29. Destiny Ramos - 4th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 6:51 PM

    Which of the theories do you think most reflects our government?
    1. I think the pluralist theory reflects our government the most due to it being composed of interesting groups competing in a "political arena" where they can enhance their interests to the public.

    2. It reflects our government in when voting in politics whether it is for president, senators, or mayors however, after a term is completed, representatives go against each other from different political parties, in order to win over the views of the people.

  30. 1) Hyperpluralism reflects the current US government. Although bouncing ideas off many people before passing a law or making a decision can be a good thing, having too many people with conflicting ideas rely on one other for approval can (and obviously has) caused a gridlock.

    2)For example, having a democratic president and a republican house can lead to a very tough time when it comes to compromising.

  31. 1. I would like to think that our government would be a pluralist however, with the way things have been going it has led to an eventual gridlock. The republicans and democrats have been down to a crawl with progress and it is because too many people have the opportunity to be in power.
    2. For example the government officials we have in place right now have been so unproductive with the president and congress being two different political party's that no progress can be made
    Roman Mendez 4th pd

  32. 1. The theory that most represents the US would have to be the pluralist theory because in most cases there are 2 or more groups to represent for instance in campaigning. They promote their policy preferences in organized efforts.

    2.An example is presidential elections , there are two representatives from two different parties trying to convince the people from different states to vote and see they are the better candidate.

    -Iris Gallegos 4th period

  33. 1. Our government best represents the pluralist theory due to the fact that two groups compete against each other to implement what they think are thru best policies for the country.

    2. A great example would the gubernatorial elections that are upcoming, where you have the Democrats and the Republicans vying for who will lead the state by appeasing to what the people want.

    - Ramses Chaired 6th Period

  34. Avari Jecmenek - 5th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 9:03 PM

    1. The theory that most represents our government is there pluralist theory. Seeing that different political parties are competing for their beliefs in the so called "political arena"
    2. The democrats and republicans are both competing for spots in the house of reps. And promote themselves by campaigning and using the voting system to successfully win.

  35. 3rd period
    1. the theory that most reflects our government would be the pluralist theory, where two or more political groups go against each other to acquire chairs in a political office.
    2. Election season when democratic and republican parties compete against each other both expressing their preferred policies is an example

  36. Catherine castano-lopezAugust 30, 2014 at 9:58 PM

    The Mayflower compact has a huge impact on our government and American society today. The pilgrims established a self governed society, we later adopted the idea and utilize to this day.

  37. Which of the theories do you think most reflects our government ?
    1) The theory that most directly reflects our government is the pluralist theory that suggests multiple groups not people as whole govern the united states , which include different organizations .
    2) Our government reflects this theory because we are not fully controlled by a single elite but by multiple groups and organizations some may be very well organized and funded and some are not .

    Heriberto Mendoza 7th period

  38. Destiny Cantu 4th periodAugust 30, 2014 at 10:44 PM

    1. The pluralist theory most reflects our government. In pluralism, different groups of people influence how government is run.
    2. There are many different groups that exert influence in our government including political parties and lobbyists. Each of these groups represent special interests and work hard to ensure that laws and policy benefit these interests.

  39. Desiree Ramirez-4th periodAugust 30, 2014 at 10:54 PM

    1. The theory that reflects our government is the pluralist theory. Its a groups that compete giving ideas or policies in an organized way such as that of a political arena. If they can not come to an agreement. they must bargain or compromise.
    2. Our government sort of runs like this. When congress is discussing about an issue or solving something they must all comply or compromise to something. Each being democratic or republican.

  40. Luis Cruz - 5th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 6:44 AM

    1. The pluralist theory most represents our government, because we have two major political parties.
    2. Elections shows the pluralist theory because the two groups are either part of the Democrat or Republican Party.

  41. The pluralist theory represents our government. The pluralist theory means that groups with like minds compete on a political arena and the end result is bargaining or compromising the approached dilemma.
    Elections are clear proof of the pluralist theory because the democrats and the republicans are battling it out, based on the vote of people, to win election and uphold the executive branch.

  42. Larry talamantez - 7th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 8:50 AM

    1. the pluralist theory, which is basically political parties fighting over there preferred policies .
    2. an example would be how we have elections where we vote for who has power knowing what political background they have .

  43. 1. The theory that best represents our government is the Pluralist Theory, groups of competing interests whom may never come to an agreement so they rely on bargaining and compromise.
    2. The best example would be the presidential election. We have two opposing house representatives that must convince the whole United States who to vote for .

  44. 1. Pluralist theory represents our government the most. Different groups run a country, rather than individuals.

    2. An example would be elections. We have the democrats and the republicans running against each other.

  45. The pluralist is the theory that best represents our country. It is two groups that compete against another giving different policies in competition for the next sitting

    We see this during election when the two main political parties compete one another for the sitting in the chair behind the desk in the oval office. They threw different policies to get to one another.
    -Sarah Contreras 7th period

  46. 1.) The Social Contract Theory, it holds that government created by the people.
    2.) The Social Contract was made between the rulers & the ruled, to create a government & to protect the natural rights of the citizens that is, the right of life, liberty, & property.
    *Vanessa Faith Hernandez
    7th pd

  47. Social Contract Theory holds that government created by the people.

    It was made between the rulers & the ruled , to create government , and also to protect natural rights of the citizens , the right of life , liberty & property

    Gabriella Vasquez / 7th Period

  48. 1) the pluralist theory reflects our government the most.
    2) it reflects our government when our two political parties ( democratic and republican) compete against one another.

  49. 1. I believe the pluralist party is the one that makes up our government because of the two types we have.
    2. By having a Democratic system and a Republican system, this shows an example of the pluralist theory.
    Cecilia Campos 7th period

  50. Weston Redding -6th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 3:04 PM

    Traditional Democratic Theory
    1. The Traditional Democratic Theory is a democracy that is ruled by the people and for the people.
    2. I think or democracy is the Traditional Democratic Theory because the people elect the president and the representatives for the senate and the house of reps, which is the voice of the people.

  51. 1: The pluralist theory encourages competition between two or more groups in the government
    2: the pluralist theory represents the USA because of the two plotical parties we have the constantly compete with eachother and the people.
    Matthew Mazuca 7th period

  52. Katie mojica 7th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 3:32 PM

    1.) plurist theory best represents our government because , of the competion of both political parties & the power they distribute .
    2.) an example of plurist theory would be , Couples of differing religious faiths may decide to celebrate the practices of both of their religions.

  53. Cassandra Lewis- 6th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 3:42 PM

    1. The pluralist theory most closy reflects our government.
    2. This reflects our government when the two political parties compete against each other which and the democratic and republican parties.

  54. 1. The pluralist theory is based on competition between groups in the government.
    2. The pluralist theory represents our government because we have groups in our government that try to make decisions for the country and often compete with each other in the process.
    -Gregory Huerta 6th Period

  55. 1. Eligible citizens can vote on an issue before the issue is completely resolved.

    2. We are allowed to vote for any issue occurring in our country.
    Jose Becerra 7th

  56. 1. Democracy is a theory in which everyone or mostly everyone has a say with what is happening within their government.
    2. Our government enables us to vote on who we want to not only represent us, but has the ability to make much needed changes within our society.
    -Grace Lugo 5th period

  57. 1) The pluralist theory reflects our government.
    2) It reflects our goverment in the way that the theory is based on two groups or more to campaigns their ideas and policies.

  58. 1.) The theory that relates most to our country is the pluralist theory which states that says that politics is mainly a competition among its own groups and that one party always have to be right.

    2.) Ever since the start of political parties, one group always have to be superior and have to prove right. The rivalry between the two parties tend for a lot of laws to not pass through. Every four years, one party "wins" by having their candidate become president but the other party does everything in their power for the house to be filled with the opposing party.

  59. Sonya Luna 4th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 6:19 PM

    1. Of the 5, I believe the theory our government most relates to is the Pluralist Theroy which is described as one that consists of competition between, usually, two interest groups with the desire to obtain a position to govern by their own prefferences.
    2. US elections illustrate this type of theory when political parties run against each other in organized campaigns, competeing to obtain the same position.

  60. Cassandra Salazar- 4th PeriodAugust 31, 2014 at 9:29 PM

    1.The political theory is what represents our government in two parties in which they compete.
    2.Our government is representative by two groups in which to people compete on the beliefs for their people in whom the people vote for.

  61. Giselle Martinez 5th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 9:48 PM

    1. One of the theory's of democracy is direct democracy, where all eligible citizens have active participation in the political decision making.
    2. I believe our government upholds this purpose by letting the citizens of the u.s. vote for different elections such as, the presidency or a senator.

  62. 1. I think the theory that reflects our government the most would be the pluralist theory, which is a society ruled by the opinions of many views.
    2. The two parties of Republican and Democrat and the inability of the house and Senate to come to actions because of the conflict between the two is a good example.
    Ariel Villegas -4th period

  63. 1.The theory that directly reflects our own government is the pluralist theory. This theory emphasizes that there are groups each competing and working towards their own parties chance at being in the oval office.
    2.The party conflicts are great examples of the pluralist theory at play.
