Sunday, August 24, 2014



Which of the ideas and traditions do you feel most influenced our government?
  1. In your own words, summarize what the influences is.
  2. Explain how you think it influenced our government.


  1. 1.) The Enlightenment, with its revolutionary thinkers, philosophers, sermons, and cultural arts most influenced our government.
    2.) The thinkers of the Enlightenment influenced almost every aspect in our modern-day government. The Philosophers brought ideas such as natural rights, freedom of man, and most themes now recognized as our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Many wars leading to the formation of our American government, such as the American Revolution, stem from early beliefs of freedom of oppression - in this case, freedom of oppression from the British. Furthermore, the Great Awakening gave America the understanding of God, and the power of the church. Religion, though separated from the state, played a large role in the formation of our central themes of government. Therefore, the idea of the Enlightenment period most influenced our modern-day American government.

  2. The idea was that not one person or group had too much power therefor all the three branches were created to have equal power.


  3. 1) The Mayflower Compact (1620), declared the majority rule and participate in a government for the best interest of the members. This document became the foundation of our government.
    2) The Mayflower Compact influenced our government by outlining the most important ideas to establish a new country. This contributed to stress the values, equality and responsability of the citizens.
    Natalie Carrasco Pd.5

  4. 1. Thomas Jefferson's idea of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness In the Declaration of Independence was very influential to our government.
    2. The bill of rights protects our free inalienable rights.
    - Brandon Castillo 6th period

  5. 1. creating a new government due to "braking up" with our mother country influenced our government very much. Founding fathers used the manner in which Great Britain treated us.
    2.The way early america was treated was the deciding factor of what for sure was going to stay in our policies and what was definitely out. Example how we do not have a parliament , how we have a representative government. and how eventually we became protective of other small growing colonies in the future.
    Olga escalera 6th period

  6. 1) The Government that we have today has been influenced by many historical events/documents, and some these documents came from the original mother country herself, Great Britain. Documents such as the Magna Carta (1215) established that the monarchy had limited power over the people. The Petition of Right (1628) gave rights to the people to have a voice in the Government. And finally the English Bill of Rights (1688) which guaranteed free elections and rights for citizens accused of crime.

    2) All these important and major documents helped our founding fathers come up with our modern day Constitution and Bill of Rights which guarantees every citizen of the U.S. rights that can't, and will not, be taken away by anybody.

    -Luis E. Mendoza

  7. Luz Moreno - Pd: 4thAugust 28, 2014 at 9:13 PM

    1. The United states constitution created a structural government giving rights for citizens, and fundamental laws.

    2. The constitution created the 3 branches of government and then developed checks and balances. It also states that each state will honor each others laws. In addition we gained the bill of rights.

  8. Ashley Ngeth - 4th PeriodAugust 29, 2014 at 3:54 PM

    1. I believe that the government has been influence by the Bill Of Rights, which created freedom for us, citizens.
    2. It influence our govenment by giving us the rights and the protection we need.

  9. 1. The wars we've had in history have been an influence to the government
    2. It only makes people think about the problems we have faced making the government want to change that and avoid having the same problems again
    -claudia aguinaga 7th period

  10. 1-A government that was by the people, for the people was a tradition that most influenced our government,
    2-The idea that people had the right to choose who would represent them as a state/country has created a government that has carried out and practiced the way that the majority of the U.S citizens would prefer things to be handled. This practice also gives the government limited power.
    -Amber Cardenas 6th period

  11. 1. The English Bill of Rights was made to ensure that the rights of individuals in the country would not be violated.
    2. This I believe influences our government because we made a Bill of Rights which are very closely tied to the English one, we did this because we wanted to as well ensure that our own rights would not be threatened by the government.
    -Cheyenne Raine Cisneros 7th

  12. 1. The Magna Carta because it limited the power of the king.
    2. This influences our government by making sure no branch of government has too much power over the other or the people.

  13. 1. The mistreatment by the British has heavily influenced our government. Because of their suppressing nature the people did not want a strong central government in fear of repeating the situation.
    2. This fear caused a rift and birthed the federalist and anti-federalist parties.

  14. Luis Cruz - 5th periodAugust 29, 2014 at 9:45 PM

    1. A major influence was experiencing tyranny from the English king.
    2. This influenced our government greatly by establishing a representative democracy, ensuring that the people will have a say in the laws passed.

  15. 1.America was like a rebellious teen defying their mother, causing the Revolutionary war which immensely helped to shape our government.
    2.America won and took away any real power the government could have.

  16. 1. I believe the enlightenment philosophers had the greatest influence on our government.

    2. These philosophers had moral ideas to give everyone their natural rights ( life, liberty, & right to property ) & a social contract between the government & governed. The government was created to protect rights, but the people also had the power to change the government. As in the Declaration of Independence T. Jefferson wrote "freedom of life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness" influenced by the progressive thinkers of the enlightenment period.

    - John Marroquin 4th period

  17. 1. The Bill of Rights added to the constitution in 1791 greatly has influenced our government by providing American citizens a set of rights and freedoms that are essential in order for citizens to vocalize modifications needed in our government.
    2. With the Bill of Rights desires from the American people have been brought upon the government and modifications and new laws have been made. Take for example same-sex marriage, if it wasn't for our freedom of speech the states that have legalized same-sex marriage could possibly have never had the chance to allow this aspiration that many have to come true. Our voice along with the ten amendments gives us power to control how the government interacts with us, therefore, the Bill of Rights has influenced our government significantly.

    Oscar Cardona 7th period

  18. 1. I think the influence can somewhat originate from John Locke because he had great influence on Thomas Jefferson and the way he wrote the Declaration Of Independence. That document has great influence on America stating that all men are created equal.
    2. We as americans made and passed laws insuring our freedom and our God given rights; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
    - Alex Arellano 6th period

  19. 1. The ideas and traditions that most influenced the American government, were definitley older not to mention smaller Britain governments such as the Magna Carta and the Mayflower Compact.
    2. The American seperation of powers as well as checks and balences is a reflection of the Magna Carta because it prevents power from being abused by anyone. An example of the Mayflower compact would be any type of state govenment.
    Vicente Rodriguez Period 4

  20. Davidrudy Perez- 4th periodAugust 30, 2014 at 10:39 AM of the biggest influences was definitely the Bill Of Rights, with that document it gave the citizens their share of freedom and a sense of independence knowing that they were citizens of a new US.
    2. As one of the creators and signature representatives Thomas Jefferson had a lot to help with the bill of rights with his historical idea of "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness" had significant structure to the motion of the independence the citizens deserved.
    David Rudy Perez - 4th

  21. Tatyana Matthews - 7th pdAugust 30, 2014 at 10:39 AM

    Which of the ideas and traditions do you feel most influenced our government?
    1. I think that the ideas of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness was and still is the most important ideas that influences our government.

    2. Well, these ideas have always influenced the governed and or ruled,starting with documents such as the Magna Carta all the way to the Declaration of Independence. From there ,out forefathers created the Constitution, with the bill of rights to insure that the governed would have these rights that couldn't be violated.

  22. Arleth Guerra GarcesAugust 30, 2014 at 10:57 AM

    1. The English Bill of Rights has influenced our government.
    2. It has influenced our government by giving us our basic liberties/rights with the closely related Bill of Rights.

    -Arleth Guerra Garces. 4th period.

  23. 1. The Enlightenment Philosophers were philosophers that had certain views in life, which the views apply to a great amount of people.
    2. Personally I believe they had the most influence because of the fact that John Locke believed in people having certain natural rights and Thomas Jefferson got this idea from him. "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness," this is what is said for America to be based off of.
    - JM Gonzales, 4th Period

  24. 1. i believe that the influence was locke's natural rights for the people

    2.the main focus of the founding fathers was to establish the united states government to have equal power not one person or group could have gained to much power.
    sergiodeleon p 7

  25. Aaron Covarrubias- 7th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 4:13 PM

    1) The ideals of the English government following the Glorious Revolution had the most influence on the government of the United States.
    2) The U.S. Government is very obviously influenced by the ideas of the Glorious Revolution, as evident in the third, fifth, sixth, and seventh amendments of the constitution which were preceded by the Petition of Rights and the second amendment which is modeled after the Bill of Rights of 1689.

  26. Skye-lyn gonzales period 6August 30, 2014 at 4:29 PM

    1. I think what influenced our government the most is the Declaration of Independence and bill of rights because it gave us protection enforce our rights and to voice ourselves.

    2. It influenced our government because with our voice today we today are Able to vote to choose who we want in office and to make changes to things.

    Skye-lyn gonzales, period 6.

    1. Skye lyn gonzales period 6.August 30, 2014 at 4:31 PM

      ** to enforce

  27. 1. Great Britain was a major influence on our government. We pulled some ideas from The Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights and infused it into our own official government.

    2. Great Britain had a huge impact on the way our founding fathers decided to form the U.S. Government. Not only did we take some of their ideas but Great Britain was also an example of how NOT to run our government. They gave us an example of how one person shouldn’t have all the power and we took that lesson, learned from it, and created a much better country from it.

    - Dulce Jimenez, P5

  28. Destiny Ramos - 4th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 6:29 PM

    Which of the ideas and traditions do you feel most influenced our government?
    1. Although there are many ideas, I believe a crucial influence of our government is for no one person or group to obtain too much power.

    2.Insuring that no one person or group obtained too much power, they divided the government into three housess, the legislative, executive, and judicial. And with the creation of the Checks and Balances system, each branch was given certain powers. As this system is still in use, it is very much a huge impact on our government.

  29. 1. The United states constitution made a structured government giving rights to citizens, and fundamental laws.

    2. The constitution made the 3 different branches of government and they then developed checks and balances. It also says that each state will honor each others laws. As that happened we created the bill of rights.

    - Stefani Garcia, 5th period

  30. 1. An idea that best influenced our government were the Roman and Greek ideas of having the people advocate what they want as well as holding the power to who will be the leader.

    2. The way that it influenced our government was by the fact that since the colonies had little, rather no, say to what was happening back in the Motherland, Great Britain, and in turn, the government wanted the people to know that now, whatever happens is the decision of the people, not just people who hold titles.

    - Ramses Chairez 6th Period

  31. Ale o Torres - 4th periodAugust 30, 2014 at 8:43 PM

    1. I think the main focus our founding fathers had when establishing the system of checks and balances influenced our government the most.
    2. It influenced our government by limiting power with checks and balances, each of the three branches of government can limit the powers of the others. This way, no one branch becomes too powerful. Each branch "checks" the power of the other branches to make sure that the power is balanced between them.

  32. 1. I believe the impact John Locke had a great influence, Thomas Jefferson looked to his philosophy when drafting the Deceleration of Independence.
    2. Thomas Jefferson borrowed John Locke's views when writing the Deceleration of independence of everyone having natural rights.
    Roman Mendez pd 4

  33. 1)The Enlightenment philosophers wanted to limit the power of their government.

    2)The founding father's wanted to create a government which wouldn't tax them without representation & get pissed when they trade with France.

    Dylan 4th PD

  34. Which of the ideas and tradition do you feel most influenced our government ?
    1) There are several ideas and traditions that influenced our government such as the 17th century European enlightenment , and the idea of individual liberty and equality ; although the more greater influence in our government has been montesquieu's suggestion of separation of powers.
    2) Montesquieu's suggestion of separation of powers has greatly influenced our government because it ensures that no part of the government has too much power .

    Heriberto Mendoza 7th period

  35. 3rd period
    1. leaving our mother country influenced our government greatly.
    2. we wanted ton make sure our own rights would not be threatened by the government

  36. Desiree Ramirez- 4th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 10:43 PM

    1. Philosophers such as John Locke and Thomas Jefferson were able to influence our government with their amazing ideas.
    2.Now written in our constitution we have the words of Thomas Jefferson that every person has unalienable rights, which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

  37. Destiny Cantu 4th periodAugust 30, 2014 at 10:51 PM

    1. The english enlightenment and its philosophers influenced our government.
    2. The ideas presented by John Locke and Thomas Hobbes were influential. Locke believed government should protect rights of people, which were: life, liberty and property. Hobbes argued that people were unable to rule themselves.

  38. 1) In my opinion I believe that the Mayflower Compact of 1620 made a great impact and influence to our country.
    2) The Mayflower Compact influenced us by being the first type of government we had. It had the outlook of a great way to control the country in a good way although it was not the best step we had made. It shaped the leadership we would have with the colonies that would later transform into a better type of governed country and citizens.

  39. I believe the Mayflower Compact influenced our country and continues to influence our govenment to this day.
    The pilgrims xame and signed the Mayflower Compact and it became the first form of self-government. They would create and enforce their own laws. Our government adopted the idea and that is how the Declaration Of Indeoendence was written.

  40. Larry talamantez - 7th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 8:32 AM

    1. what I feel most influenced the way our government is set up was the fact that the colonies had a king rule over them and they had no say in parliament.
    2. it influenced our government because we set up a system where the people have a say in who we give power to.

  41. 1.The Mayflower Compact was The most influential idea in my opinion, was pilgrims first attempt to govern themselves once reaching America
    2.i believe this is the most influences idea because we are still self govern till this day.
    Cynthia a Faris, 5th pd

  42. Cassandra Lewis- 6th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 10:05 AM

    1. I believe that indentured servants had a great influence on our government. Indentured servants were white english settlers who were under contract and worked for other people but they didn't get paid.
    2. This influenced our government because this eventually led to the instyution of slavery. Since the indentured servants are able to rebel and speak the same language the government realized that they needed slaves that don't know english that aren't that smart and didn't work for money.

  43. 1. In the English Bill of Rights," no excessive bail or "cruel and unusual" punishments may be imposed" has influenced out government by giving every citizen the right to be treated equally.
    2. As we see the news today, there is a lot of injustice within the court and society. This statement, written in 1689, helps us voice ourselves, It helps those mistreated be free.

  44. 1. The Magna Carta And The English Bill Of Rights had some of the biggest influence on our government because they kept people from having too much power.

    2. The founding fathers wanted to create a government that protected the citizens and prevent the government from taking over
    -Summer Salinas 6th period

  45. One of the biggest influences in our government would have to be the tranny of a king and the anti-federalist and federalist political parties.

    The tranny of the king made the country not have an absolute ruler, they wanted the people to have a say. The two parties are a great influence because they brought alot of compromise and thays basically what our country is run on; two different options/opinions brought together to satisfy everyone.

    -sarah contreras 7th period

  46. 1) the enlightenment philosopher had the greatest impact on our government.
    2) the philosophers wanted time limit their government by doing so they had put No taxation without representation.
    Miranda Mendez period 5

  47. enlightenment philosopher had greatest impact on the government.

    philosophers wanted a limit to their government by doing , so they put NO taxation w/o representative

  48. 1. John Locke was a big influence in our government because Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence based off of some of Locke's writing

    2. it influenced our government because it declared our independence from great britain
    Jose Becerra 7th

  49. Weston Redding -6th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 3:25 PM

    Enlightenment Philosophers
    1. Enlightenment Philosophers influenced our government such as John Locke who argued about natural rights, liberties, and property, are rights that the government should protect.
    2. I believe that this influenced our government because our government is set up to protect the same rights as John Locke argued

  50. 1: The magna carta which was one of the orignal documents that established the idea of the people governing them selfs.
    2: this influenced our government by giving us the ieda of power to the people.
    Matthew Mazuca 7th period

  51. Katie mojica 7th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 3:47 PM

    1.) I believe that the Declaration of Independence influenced the government , because he wanted his people to have their own rights & to be protected .
    2.) these main keys ( life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness ) have always had some sort of impact on the government , because of how much he supposedly cares for his people .

  52. 1. Philosophers, namely John Locke, were of the greatest influence on our government because Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence, took many ideas from John Locke.
    2. John Locke's ideas were noticed by the writer of the Declaration of Independence, this helped to create a document that is the base of this nation.
    -Gregory Huerta 6th Period

  53. 1. The British Parliament and how their own government reflects on our own.
    2. It is clearly evident that one of the main influences can be traced back to the British. Having a government that is similar to how Britain is set up, it shows that we had learned many useful things from them. Being able to vote for who we want into the houses, and the sense of freedom.
    -Grace Lugo 5th period

  54. 1) I belive that the past wars and historical documents have the greatest influence on the government.
    2)This is because they look at the past and try not to involve themselves in events that could corrupt the US.

  55. 1.) We got most of our Declaration of Independence ideas from other documents. From freedom of speech to no weird or cruel punishments. A lot of out ideas are borrowed because we liked them and we think that it will do positive for our country.

    2.) Freedom of speech gave us a lot of positive things from getting women the right to vote to getting rid of segregation to our involvement in the Vietnam war. But over the time, there was been times where our right has been taken away because of the current situation and sometimes, freedoms of speech can give use negativity like how the KKK have the right to bash everything they hate. Freedom of speech is a double edge sword, really.

  56. Sonya Luna 4th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 6:37 PM

    1. The Enlightenment Philosophers may have had the largest influence on our government as the ideas of some, such as John Locke, explain that humans are born with natural rights to life, liberty, and property.
    2. Thomas Jefferson, when writing the Dec. Of Independence emphasizes the fact that "we the people" have the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our gov. And the people of our country make sure to provide this as our foundation as a nation.

  57. I believe the greatest influence on America was three declaration of independence and how out was written.

    This influences our government because the main keys such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
    Jakob Elias-7th

  58. 1.The Declaration of independence influenced our government by the idea of Thomas Jefferson and some of our founding fathers giving us the rights we need and to have a strong national government.
    2.This influenced our to government and country by the life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness and as well for our bill of rights.

  59. Giselle Martinez 5th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 9:17 PM

    1. I believe that Representative Government was an idea that influenced our government greatly, it gave elected officials the power to represent a group of people such as, a state.
    2. This has influenced our government greatly because it is used as an example now for our government nowadays.

  60. David Vela-4th periodSeptember 1, 2014 at 9:14 PM

    1. Of most ideals and influences I believe the English bill of rights due to our own bill of rights being so similar
    2. That document has helped us by giving our government the template for our bill of rights
