Sunday, August 24, 2014



Which of the forms of government do you think is the most interesting?
  1. In your own words, summarize what that form of government is.
  2. Give and explain an example of a modern or past government of this form.


  1. 1.) I think that the theocratic government is very interesting in that priests and members of the clergy have the power - God is recognized as the supreme power over this kind of government.
    2.) While typical in early civilizations, theocracy still exists in places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, and, most commonly affiliated, the Vatican. Ex: The Pope.

    - Lindsey Stephens, 5th period.

  2. 1) To me one of the most interesting forms of government is absolute monarchy. In absolute monarchies, the ruler gains power through inheritance, and the monarch makes all major restrictions and do not have any laws restraining them.
    2) France accepted an absolute monarchy, to be sure they had a ruler at all times and also to have a more efficient government.
    Natalie Carrasco pd.5

  3. 1. An absolute monarchy is interesting because with the monarch you see how much power affects a human, especially absolute power. The monarch can set his or her laws but at the same rate they do not have to follow them.
    2. The French had an absolute monarchy as their form of government and I believe for the most part it worked out decently.
    -Cheyenne Raine Cisneros 7th

  4. 1.The most interesting for of goverment in my opinion is ARISTOCRACY because its basically rulled by how the social status is and also the wealth of the people.Ruled by the most fit or best People.
    2.Switzerland and Thailand have a aristocracy its usually in europe , i chosed it because it's something different and unique nevver really seen or heard of.
    Cynthia Farias,5th Period

  5. 1. a Totalitarian form of government is where the state is in complete and absolute authority over society and seeks to control both public and private aspects of everyone's lives. It probably only interests me because im in a country where that is not the case whatsoever.
    2. in early 1920's by Nazi party and Italian fascists used this.
    olga escalera 6th period

  6. 1) The most interesting form of government would be anarchy because, well there is no government. People rebel and they do what without having anybody say anything.

    2) A modern day example of an anarchy government would be Somalia which has no law or order.

    -Luis E. Mendoza 4th pd.

  7. 1. A theocratic government, Led by God or a divinely guided person, is the government that most captures my interests.
    2. The most obvious example of a theocratic government would be the Vatican.
    -Brandon Castillo 6th period

  8. 1-The most interesting form of government to me is Anarchy is when there is not much government authority over a state/country.
    2-Somalia had been without a federal government for about a decade, which led to a civil war and U.S and U.N interventions.
    --Amber Cardenas 6th period

  9. 1. A dictatorship is only interesting because it is ruled by one person and he is able to make the people believe him
    2.Hitler in Germany would be an example.

  10. 1. The most interesting form of government to me would have to be theocracy.
    2. Moses and Israel or Pharaohs in Egypt.

  11. Kimberly Preap, 5thAugust 29, 2014 at 6:53 PM

    1. A dictatorship is the most interesting to me because this one, or shall I few people, have full control (no restrictions) over anything and everyone.
    2. North Korea is an example of this with it's supreme leader being Kim Jun Un

  12. 1.A dictatorship is most interesting cause they get away with anything whilst reigning their so called "throne".
    2.Some examples are Adolph Hitler, Fidel Castro, and Kim Jun Un.

  13. Luz Moreno - Pd: 4thAugust 30, 2014 at 7:28 AM

    1. I Think The Totalitarian Dictatorship is very interesting. In a way that it seeks to control your beliefs and attitudes. This dictatorship has a set of rules that their people are expected to achieve. If the leader appears to be wrong, their authority would be taken away from them.

    2. An example of this government would be the Nazi Germany or the former USSR.

  14. 1) Absolute monarchy all the way (:
    This form of government is a inherited throne and free reign to do what ever which is cool making one seem like a lord. Putting them on a spot light for their people. And religion played a big part too.

    2) im sure this was very common in the eastern world back in the day. Like every other town had a king so cool.
    Jonathan ( duckbear ) Rosales 6th period

  15. Tatyana Matthews - 7thAugust 30, 2014 at 10:53 AM

    Which of the forms of government do you think is the most interesting?

    1. The most interesting form of government to me is a dictatorship because I wonder how one person can have such a powerful impact on people and how one person can hold so much power over such a huge amount of people.

    2. One example of a form of dictatorship would be the current Cuban government.

  16. 1. In my opinion the most interesting form of government would be theocracy. A government strictly revolved around a religion.
    2. I'm not sure if this quite fits but an example of this could right now could be Isis revolving their actions for their islamic culture, religion, and way of life.
    - Alex Arellano 6th period

  17. Arleth Guerra GarcesAugust 30, 2014 at 11:19 AM

    1. The most interesting form of government is Anarchy. It doesn't have a goverment and people are not controlled by laws and rules.
    2. Somalia.

    -Arleth Guerra-Garces 4th period.

  18. 1. Although a bit controversial, a secular government in which the government is not concerned about religion or religious matters truly appeals to me. Such government opposes laws based on religious scriptures restricting abortion and government discrimination on homosexuals.

    2. Places like Sweden and Denmark have become icons in secularist values, where only 18% of the population think religion is important. With less hate and discrimination why wouldn't this idea/form of government be appropriate?

    Oscar Cardona 7th period

  19. 1. The most interesting form of government, in my opinion is Oligarchy - theocracy, where it is ruled by few religious leaders. (divinely guided)

    2. Mostly practiced in southwest Asia.

    - John Marroquin 4th period

  20. 1. Technocracy is a government ran by scientists and engineers. Placing the most knowledgeable professionals in charge of their specialized area.
    2. Never used in the states yet (probably becasue many people would abuse it) but North America is pushing to make a non-market economy and become the most energy and production efficent place in the world.
    Vicente Rodriguez Period 4

  21. Skye-lyn Gonzales, Period 6.August 30, 2014 at 2:29 PM

    1. To me the most Interesting is absolute Monarchy because it puts the power in the hands of one person, making it tyrannical and unfair, when the person making the laws can have exceptions for themselves.

    2. A past example of absolute monarchy would be Louis XIV of France.

  22. 1. a theocratic governmentled by god or a guided person

    2. a great example will be the vatican
    sergiodeleon p7

  23. Aaron Covarrubias- 4th periodAugust 30, 2014 at 3:57 PM

    1) I think an autocracy, more specifically a monarchy is the most interesting form of government because, and probably because I did not grow up under monarchical rule, I've never understood what gives a dynastic house the right to act as ruler of a whole country.
    2) Obvious examples of autocratic governments include Spain, Denmark and Tonga but the most fascinating example in my opinion was that of Tudor England post reformation, where the monarch acted as both head of state and head of the church.

  24. 1. The type of government that I find the most interesting would have to be a combination of theocracy and absolute monarchy, where one person has total control and rules under the belief that their right to be King derives from the will of the God(s).
    2. An example of a combination of theocracy and absolute monarchy would be Ancient Egypt. Ancient Egypt was ruled by pharaohs who genuinely believed themselves to be Gods. (What’s fascinating is the way the pharaohs were carefully prepared for the Afterlife once they’d passed. Pharaohs were mummified and their tombs were filled with riches and treasures.)

    - Dulce Jimenez, P5

  25. Davidrudy Perez -4th periodAugust 30, 2014 at 4:31 PM

    1. The most interesting format of government to me is totalitarianism, I fell like it's quiet up seen in history that it not only took one person to want to rule the world but did it in a manner of violence and aggression. Most of these types of rulers were offered and almost attempted to work with to solve problems but they just didn't want the hand they wanted the full arm , if it wasn't what they got they relied on violence was to solve these problems they had.
    2. My example for this form of government is Adolf hitler, he was history's biggest and we'll know totalitarian, it became so bad that he started murdering many people just because of religion or race. And tried to spread out the ideas of how the world should be throughout Europe and when nothing went his way it ended up in war.

  26. 1.In my opinion the most interesting form of government would have to be anarchy because they lack government authority over the country.

    2. Somalia had no government for a while and people rebelled and soon led to war.

    -Iris Gallegos 4th period

  27. Ashley Ngeth - 4th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 6:45 PM

    1. The most interesting form of government is totalitarian dictatorship, because it's all about absolute controlling. They think they are ahead of everyone and no one can stop them.
    2. Like for an example, Pol Pot ''presided over a totalitarian dictatorship.'' He dominated the political, socials, and economics in Cambodia

  28. 1. To me the most convincing is absolute Monarchy because it puts the power in the hands of that one person, making it repressive and unfair, when the person making the laws can have intntions for themselves.

    2. As an example of absolute monarchy would be Louis XIV of France.

    - Stefani Garcia, 5th period

  29. Destiny Ramos - 4th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 7:09 PM

    Which of the forms of government do you think is the most interesting?
    1. A form of government that is most interesting, in my eyes is, anarchy, which is conducted in no way and there is a lack of government.

    2. In some way, it was used in the Free Territory of the Ukraine for a short amount of time, where they attempted to form a stateless anarchist. It consisted of seven million people, was run by Makhno, and was exceptionally successful until the Bolsheviks took over.

  30. 1) Monarchies are my favorite form of goverment. Why? They have kings and queens & princes and princesses. The monarch usually takes his throne through "bigger army diplomacy" and either has unchecked power, or limited power.

    2) Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. The queen derives to right to rule through the crown, but has her power limited by parliament.

    Dylan-4th PD
    Twitter: @Dylan_Mcdyl
    Insta: @Dylan_Mcdyl

  31. 1. I personally think dictatorships are the most interesting. A dictator comes in and takes absolute control of the area he is going to rule and doesn't allow others to attempt to rule as if he is a monarch he makes all the decisions.
    2. An example would be Saddam Hussein who ruled in Iraq until he was executed.

  32. 1. An interesting form of would be a totalitarian government due to the fact that it is just one party controlling the state and that one party seems to have all the answers towards everything, which seems highly unlikely.

    2. A great example of this form of government would be North Korea in that even though it is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and elections are held, its very strange in that it is the same leader till death, no to mention that everything there is made to conform to the ideologies that the Kim family has.

    - Ramses Chairez 6th period

  33. Ale O Torres - 4th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 8:22 PM

    1. The most interesting form of government is stratocracy (military government). A system of government in which there is no distinction between the military and civil power.
    2. Voluntary military service, or who have been honorably discharged, have the right to elect and/or govern.

  34. Avari Jecmenek - 5th periodAugust 30, 2014 at 9:19 PM

    1. In my opinion, the most interesting form of government would be a dictatorship. Its strange seeing a single person make all the decisions and not consulting with anyone for anything no matter how ridiculous is sounds or seems.
    2. Examples of this form of government includes the governments in Cuba, Germany and North Korea

  35. 3rd period
    A theocratic government, led by God is the government. is the most interesting to me.
    2. an example of a theocratic government would be the Vatican.

  36. Destiny Cantu 4th periodAugust 30, 2014 at 10:33 PM

    1. A dictatorship is the most interesting to me because one person has complete power.
    2. An example is North Korea.

  37. Which form of government do you think is the most interesting ?
    1) The form of government i find most interesting is Anarchy because there is no form of government , and it is a society without classes and force .
    2) An example of a anarchist society was Ukraine during the Ukrainian war of independence which was an attempt to form a stateless anarchist society .

    Heriberto Mendoza 7th period

  38. Desiree Ramirez -4th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 11:02 PM

    1.The most interesting form of government for me would be a dictatorship. Its interesting to know that one person is able to overpower and control so many. Its insane that one persons ideas and thoughts can run peoples lives.
    2. One example would be Adolf Hitler and also Fidel Castro.

  39. 1. I have always thought Theocractic governments are the most interesting. They are basically government ruled by religion.
    2. An example to me would be a state, however that the pope has a more important say in mostly anything the Catholic church has to say
    -JM Gonzales, 4th Period

  40. Luis Cruz - 5th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 6:58 AM

    1. Theocratic forms of government is most interesting to me because they are ruled by what their religion thinks they should do, rather than separating church and state.
    1. Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries are examples of a theocratic government.

  41. A form of government is a group or indivdual who runs the country, state, city, etc. They also serve as an icon for the place they run.
    An interesting form of government is a dictatorship, how does a country of thousands and possibly millions allow for one person to make decisions for them. In the past, countries have been scared of their dicatator. My question is, why dont the people speak up and overrule him and decide whats better with the people in mind?

  42. Larry talamantez - 7th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 9:05 AM

    1. I find that autocracy is an interesting form of government, which is all of the power given to one individual.
    2. many countries today such as China , Cuba, north Korea and Egypt all have a dictator where all of the countries power is given to one individual.

  43. Mei-Li Jew Period 5August 31, 2014 at 9:53 AM

    1.The most interesting form of government in my perspective is anarchy, a society without government. Due to the absence of government, wild behavior and chaos is usually a result to their fight against power.
    2 During the Urkainian Revolotion, from about 1918 to 1921, Nestor Makhno became father of The Free Territory. The population of this area was estimated around to be up to seven million.

    "Death to all who stand in the way of obtaining the freedom of working people!" - Free Territory

  44. 1. Anarchy is the most interesting to me because it is pure chaos. There's no laws and people aren't safe.

    2. Since the fall of Siad Barre's government in 1991-2006, there wasn't any government in Somalia.
    -Summer Salinas 6th period

  45. One of the most interesting would have to be a dictatorship. Mainly because its one person who has absolute power over.everyone and everything

    An example would be Hitler taking control of Germany. At the time the country weak they put him as ruler and he himself big horrid things and stopped him.
    -Sarah Contreras 7th period

  46. 1) The most interesting form of government in my perspective would be dictatorship because of how much control a person can have and also be encouraged by a group helping him and have no one defeat them.
    2) One of the examples that mostly sets an example of the dictatorship is Adolf Hitler dictating Germany and forming the Nazis. Taking over and destroying families that were Jewish for no specific reason.

  47. the most interesting form of government in my own thoughts will have to be dictatorship because of how much control anybody can have and can also be encouraged to help - not defeat .

    an example that sets a realistic example would be Adolf Hitler for dictating Germany , forming Nazis , taking over and destroying families that were Jewish.
    -Gabriella Vasquez / 7th Period

  48. 1) anarchy is the most increasing due to the fact the people are not being ruled or contained but a set of rules from a government.
    2) examples would be Afghanistan and Somalia.
    Miranda Mendez period 5

  49. Weston Redding -6th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 2:49 PM

    1. Anarchy is when a country has no rule or government.
    2.Iceland was an Anarchy and didn't have any rule it was a violent and unhealthy country at the time

  50. 1 The most interesting form of government is anarchy because its the idea of total chaos and no social order.
    2 iraq holy land
    Matthew mazuca 7th period

  51. Katie mojica 7th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 3:09 PM

    1.) the most interesting government would be, An aristocracy bescause , it is ruled by the aristocrats. Aristocrats are typically wealthy, educated people. Many monarchies have really been ruled by aristocrats.
    2.) an example of aristocracy would be ,The British parliament was long divided between the house of lords and the house of commons. The lords of course represented the aristocracy.

  52. 1. autocracy is a form of government where one person has total control

    2. Germany had autocracy because they wanted to get rid of jews and it was dictated by Hitler who had unlimited and uncontrolled authority over others.

    Jose Becerra 7th

  53. 1. I think the most interesting form of government is a dictatorship because you literally see people follow just one person and its amazing how that one person has control over everything.
    2. A famous example of a dictatorship is Hitler himself
    Cecilia Campos 7th

  54. Cassandra Lewis-6th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 3:58 PM

    1.The most interesting government would be a dictatorship. A dictatorsip is when a country is ruled by one person who controls everthing.
    2. An example is when Hitler ruled over Nazi Germany and wanted to rule the entire world and make it a perfect world by eliminated everyone who wasn't perfect in his eyes.

  55. 1. The most interesting type of government, to me, would be a dictatorship which allows complete rule by one person leaving it open to many flaws.
    2. A common example would be Adolf Hitler and his past rule over Germany.
    -Gregory Huerta 6th Period

  56. 1. The most interesting form of government for me would be a limited monarchy. A limited monarchy is when a king or queen has rule but can only have so much power.
    2. An example of this can be the British Parliament, where the Queen is most likely seen as the Secretary of state and the British Parliament do most of the work.
    -Grace Lugo 5th period

  57. 1.) Dictatorship, is the most interesting form of government.
    2.) For example, Hitler was a dictator with so much power and he took advantage of his country and the people, by killing off many Jews, for his selfish reasons.
    *Vanessa Faith Hernandez
    7th pd

  58. 1) A dictatorship is interesting to me because its rules by one person and usually causes alot of trouble.
    2) An example would be hitler.

  59. 1.) An absolute monarchy government is the most fascinating type of government to me because only one ruler has absolute power among his/her people and it's all royalty. It's also really fascinating how the power gets passed down from generations to generations so only one family can have power for hundreds of years

    2.) Even though absolute monarchy governments are quite rare, places like Saudi Arabia and Swaziland still have it. In Saudi Arabia, the king must comply with the Shari'a and the Qur'an. That's somewhat like how out presidents takes out with a bible.

  60. Sonya Luna 4th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 6:06 PM

    1. Anarchy is the form of government that interests me the most due to the fact that the gov., if any, has absolutely no control of the governed, or there simply is no gov. present to maintain control and order.
    2. An example would be the "Free Territory" in Ukraine in the early 1920s that was an attempt to form an ungoverned state.

  61. The most interesting form of government is absolute monarchy because the ruler gains power through inheritance.

    France accepted absolute monarchy to make sure they had a ruler at all times.
    Jakob Elias-7th

  62. Cassandra Salazar- 4th PeriodAugust 31, 2014 at 9:34 PM

    1.The most interesting one to me is totalitarian Dictatorship because I dislike how one person thinks they can have complete control of a whole population and not care how others feel .
    2. And example from the past is Hitler.

  63. Giselle Martinez 5th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 9:38 PM

    1. I believe Anarchy is the most interesting form of government due to the fact that there is not one person that rules over all at once, there is no order and everyone runs a muck in no form of direction.
    2. An example of anarchy would be in Somalia.

  64. 1. I think anarchy is the most interesting because of the lack of order and lack of an organized government.
    2. An example would be Yemen.
    Ariel Villegas - period 4

  65. David Vela-4th periodSeptember 1, 2014 at 11:11 PM

    1: I believe that monarchy is the most interesting form of government due to its passage of bloodline with no citizens say in it at all
    2. An example would be old england
