Monday, August 25, 2014



What do you think was the worst weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
  1. In your own words, summarize what the weakness is.
  2. Explain how the new Constitution addressed that weakness.


  1. 1.) Amongst many weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation, they all tied into one fault: it didn't give the standing government enough authority! There was no power to levy taxes, raise an army, or regulate foreign trading and affairs.
    2.) The new Constitution allowed the central government certain powers and rights to fix all of the things that couldn't be done with the Articles. The Constitution gained supremacy - this entailed the power to collect taxes, raise/draft an army, and it created a federal court system in order to allow a strong foundation for America.

  2. 1) There was many weaknesses in the articles of confederation such as not being able to not apply taxes and enforce laws that were being made . All the power was to the people and funding wasnt coming in to be able to pay off debt after war. They also could not draft people into an army or in fact form an army.

    2) With the Constitution everything was able to start building the first layer of America. They were able start enforcing laws and taxes upon the colonist. The government was actually more powerful instead of the colonies.

  3. 1) In my opinion the worst weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that 9 out of 13 states were required to pass legislation. This made it difficult for any major law to be passed, even when those bills could benefit the majority of Americans, and not much change was ever done,
    2) The new U.S. Constitution fixed this weakness by stating that the bills just need a simple majority of votes in both houses of Congress. This way it became much easier to make changes for the country and its citizens.
    Natalie Carrasco pd.5

  4. 1. The biggest problem was that it took a unanimous decision to amend the articles of confederation.
    2.It takes 2/3rds of the congress to amend the constitution. Which is not as difficult. - Brandon Castillo 6th period

  5. 1. I think the worst weakness of the Articles of Confederation was the early Americans' lack of foriegn policy because the Articles of Confederation did not allow the government to put authority or order in the counrty. There was no structure or any distinct way to get anything done.
    2. The new constitution addressed the weaknesses by creating a federal government between the national and state levels. Finally, the executive and legislative branches were created to set order and maintain authority.
    Vicente Rodriguez period 4

  6. 1. The issue would be that the government wasn't able to tax which leads to no funding of anything.
    2. With the new constitution the government was given the right to tax, and not only that but trade was regulated.- Jason Hidalgo 6th Period

  7. 1)I believe the weakness of The Articles of Confederation is they did not allow the government to put authority or laws to that country

    2) The new constitution addresses the weakness by having a government . Other branches were to isolate order.

  8. 1. A drawback to the Articles of Confederation was that there was no one to enforce the laws that it passed.
    2. The Constitution resolved that issue by creating the executive branch which made sure people followed the laws.
    -Cheyenne Raine Cisneros 7th

  9. 1. The Major weakness was that the government hadnt taxed, therefore we had no money to work with as in financing or funding.
    2.Now the National Governement is able to tax. which than can give the less fortunates an income.
    cynthia farias,5th period

  10. 1. The worst weakness of The Articles of Confederation was having no ability to enforce laws that were passed. (no executive branch)
    2. The new Constitution, in Article 2 created the executive branch to make sure laws passed by Congress were effectively followed and enforced.

  11. 1) Personally, the biggest weakness of the Articles of Confederation would've been the inability to tax the colonies. This would make it difficult for the government/colonies to have a decent economy and have a type of "savings" in case of any emergency.

    2) With the new Constitution the Federal Government had the power to tax, which, this in the long run, would help them have money to invest in new things and/or help the people in case of a major emergency, not to mention that it would help the economy stay afloat.

  12. 1.There are many problems regarding the Articles of Confederation, due to the many weaknesses that revolve around this subject matter. Not being able to tax the colonies caused many issues involving not being able to form an army due to the lack of money supply, and also caused for the government not being able to pay their debts after the war.
    2.The new Constitution adressed this weakness by allowing the National Government the power to tax.
    Miguel Hernandez-(4th)

  13. Catherine Castano-Lopez pd. 6August 28, 2014 at 7:38 PM

    1.Overall the greatest set-back from the Articles of Confederatiton was the lack of power in governement. They disallowed themselves to tax colonies, they were could not involve themselves in disputes between colonies, and had no form of regulations from income commerce and trade. All the downfalls prevented progression in the country.
    2. The constitution assessed these downfalls by enabling the government more say and authority. It was a progressive move because it gave the country a base and laws. The ability to tax incresed the growth of the economy which to this day makes a great difference than if there wouldn't be any taxes.

  14. Luz Moreno - Pd: 4thAugust 28, 2014 at 8:40 PM

    1. One of the many weakness caused by The Articles of Confederation was the inability to tax states. This led to problems when some states didn't meet Congress's request for money, putting them in debt.

    2. They addressed this weakness by allowing the national government to collect taxes from the states. As a result, the Congress now has the control to regulate trade with foreign states and nations.

  15. Ashley Ngeth - 4th PeriodAugust 29, 2014 at 4:25 PM

    1. I believe that the weakness from The Articles of Confederation was the taxation and if we were to have difficulties with all this then it will all be led down hill to putting everybody in financial obligation.
    2. The new Constitution allowed us by enforcing laws and having the power to tax so we wouldn't have all these problems with debt.

  16. 1.the articles of confederation weakness was not being able to trade with foreign countries which was not a
    good idea if were in debt
    2.the articles of confederation addressed that weakness by allowing the trade between States and foreign countries
    -claudia aguinaga 7th period

  17. 1-The worst weakness of the Articles of Confederation was the fact that regardless of the size of a state’s population they only had one vote, which meant that the one vote would not really determine who we wanted in office or the types of decisions we wanted to make because it was not very accurate.
    2-The new constitution addressed this weakness by basing the House of Representatives on the population of a state, making that vote more accurate to what the people want.
    -Amber Cardenas 6th period

  18. 1. The government had no power to change or the ability to improve anything. It was unable tax or even exchange with foreign nations.

    2. In the new constitution, the government was given power to tax & trade & was able to beginning building A stronger nation.

    - John Marroquin 4th period

  19. 1. In the Articles of Confederation it's weakness was that the states had too much power and government had very little so there was no balance between them.
    2. The Constitution separates powers for both federal and states so that bills and laws can actually be passed and enforced.

  20. 1. The lack of power that the government had over its colonies was a major drawback. For example, a colony had the ability to not pay their taxes when asked.
    2. This problem was solved by simply giving the government the right to collect all taxes.

  21. Luis Cruz - 5th periodAugust 29, 2014 at 8:18 PM

    1. The biggest weakness of the Articles of Confederation was the inability to make amends without agreement from all of the thirteen states.
    2. The problem was fixed by lowering the amount of states and members of congress required to make amendments, making it easier to make changes.

  22. Skye- lyn gonzales, PD 6August 29, 2014 at 8:46 PM

    1. I believe the biggest weakness was needing nine of thirteen states to pass legislation making it harder for things to get passed.

    2. This weakness was fixed by only needing majority to pass laws making it easier, and reasonable.

  23. 1.I believe the biggest weakness was needing too much states to come to a consensus to pass a law, they couldn't get anything done.
    2.This issue was resolved once they decided to let the majority rule.
    -Amber Martinez 5th period

  24. 1) the Articles of Confederation push out a major flaw over all which was giving the states a free reign to pretty much do what they want, congress couldnt step in to dicsipline as needed. Taxes weren't collected, trades weren't made, and armies weren't raised with no seperate executive to enforce it. Just a real hot mess
    2) Resolved by the new constitution; giving congress power. Taxes were abled to be collected, judical, and executive were pushed, and it established a way for things to be amended reasonably so that no ine js left out and voices are heard
    - Jonathan (duckbear) Rosales
    6th period

  25. 1. The Articles Of Confederation were significantly weak as it limited the national government from taxing its citizens and regulating trade which is essential in building a prosperous economy. Additionally, amendments proposed to the articles required an unified approval of all the states, creating chaos since each state had it's own suggestions.

    2. The new constitution addressed the weaknesses of the Articles Of Confederation by allowing the national government to levy taxes, gave congress the power to regulate commerce, and destroyed the unanimous consent by declaring that two-thirds of congress and three-fourths of the states were necessary to amend the constitution generating a less problematic consent.

    Oscar Cardona 7th period

  26. 1. In my opinion, the Articles Of Confederations's greatest weakness was not enabling the national government to require tax from the states; it could only request it. Thus unlacing the national government to be able to pretty much do nothing to help out the country because one needs money to do so.

    2. The constitution addresses this by giving to national government the power to require taxes from the states. Thus allowing the national government to get stuff done with money now coming in.
    - Alex Arellano 6th period

  27. Tatyana Matthews -7th pdAugust 30, 2014 at 10:27 AM

    Tatyana Matthews
    1. The weakness of The Articles of Confederation was that the state government was strong and had power over the federal govenment.

    2.The Constitution adressed the weakness of the Articles of Confederation by giving the federal government more power over the state government , while still allowing the state government to have control over matters that national government didn't need to handle.

  28. Davidrudy Perez - 4th periodAugust 30, 2014 at 10:29 AM

    1. The articles of confederation has it's pros but also has many cons that weaken the government. One of the biggest weaknesses is that the government couldn't not force states to obey laws.
    2. I feel like the new constitution has a clear solution to this already because enforcing laws especially for safety reasons is most important in the governments duties.

  29. Arleth Guerra GarcesAugust 30, 2014 at 10:37 AM

    1. The biggest weakness of the Articles of Confederation would have to be the need ,in order to pass laws, to have 9 out of 13 states agreeing in order to pass legislation.
    2. This extremely high percentage made it difficult for Congress to pass legislation, so they fixed it by going with majority rule in both houses of Congress.

    -Arleth Guerra Garces. 4th period.

  30. 1. The main problem of the Articles of Confederation is that it gives the states ALL power and requires a unanimous vote to amend/change the Articles. Being able to enforce laws or tax cant happen if the Articles can't be amended.
    2. The new Constitution created a system that the national government is over the states, yet not TOTAL power. The problem was fixed by the 3 branches of government being able to create laws, enforce them, and limit them. Also, by plainly giving the national government the power to tax.
    - JohnMichael Gonzales, 4th Period

  31. The Articles of Confederation was very weak, it gave power to the wrong places for the wrong things it made the country weak over all. It gave all power to the states almost as if they were each their own country when they were supposed to be a country together. The states pretty much had power over the federal government which defeats it's purpose.

    2. The Constitution fixed these problems by giving the Federal government power over the states. They made it fair by giving the states power to things that were small and minor and easier for states to handle.
    -Sarah Contreras 7th period

  32. 1. the weakness of the articles of confederation was that there was not much of government power

    2. The new constitution allowed the government more power to fix all of the all of the things that couldnt be done before.

    sergio deleon period 7

  33. 1.The main reason the articles of confederation failed was that it did not give the federal government enough authority or strength. The federal government could not tax the states without there consent therfore not raising revenue for the county for expansion and not being able to pay debt.
    2. The constitution fixed this problem by allowing the federal government enough authority to tax the states so that way the country could succeed
    Roman mendez 4th pd

  34. Aaron Covarrubias- 7th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 4:20 PM

    1) The biggest weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that in an effort to distance the new government from the heavy-handed British monarchy, the articles if confederation did not allow for any unity or organization in America at a time of weakness for the new nation.
    2) The framers of the constitution understood American's wariness of a central government but in framing the constitution they abated said fears by putting in place the system of checks and balances to prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful and gave some autonomy to the states.

  35. 1. The Articles of Confederation was so flawed that the weaknesses ultimately posed a threat that didn’t allow the United States to flourish and grow. The worst weakness would have to be money-related: Congress did not have the power to tax or regulate interstate trade or foreign commerce under the Articles of Confederation.

    2. The New Constitution gave the national government the power to tax the governed and the power to regulate commerce between the states and with foreign nations. We were able to crawl out of the debt-ridden hole the Articles of Confederation had dug for us.

    - Dulce Jimenez, P5

  36. Destiny Ramos - 4th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 6:04 PM

    What do you think was the worst weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
    1. I believe the worst weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that when being produced, the composers put in much effort as to not become like their former nation. In doing so, they had no control over state disputes, they could not tax, and it was difficult to modify laws, which left Congress with no power against the states.

    2. With the constitution, it gave the government just enough power to not have total control of what the states could or could not do but, enough power to keep them in an organized manner.

  37. 1.The greatest weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that the government had lack of power. They were not allow to tax the colonies , and could not regulate trade and commerce due to the articles of confederation.

    2. The New Constitution allowed the government to tax the colonies to help the people in the colonies who were in need of financial assistance and also allowing to get out of debt. This also helped improve the colonies itself with a kind of structure.

    -Iris Gallegos 4th period

  38. 1. One of the biggest weakness that was caused by The Articles of Confederation was being unable to tax states. This led to some states not meeting Congress's request for money,and ended up putting them in debt.

    2. They fixed this weakness by letting the government collect taxes from the states. as this happened, the Congress now has the control to regulate trade with foreign states and nations.

  39. Ale O Torres - 4th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 7:17 PM

    1. In my opinion, there was no powerful central government. Each state had too much power for any sort of regulation or cooperation.
    2. The constitution fixed the weakness by allowing the central government certain power/rights

  40. Avari Jecmenek - 5th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 7:26 PM

    1. The main weakness of the Articles of Confederation was the lack of a sting central government. Without this power they lacked the ability to pass taxes and regulate trade within the states.
    2.The constitution was able to fix these problems by giving the government the certain power it needed to gain control over the states

  41. 1) The Articles of Confederation may have sounded like a good idea, but in practice it was illogical and just plain too weak. The greatest weakness was in my opinion, the inability to levy taxes to onto the states.

    2) The constitution fixed this problem by allowing the federal government to tax the states.

    Dylan 4th PD
    Now she's talking to a barista, she looks way olden than me though :'(

  42. 1. The greatest weakness of the Articles of Confederation was the fact that both the states and the national government had the ability to coin money because all of the currency would be worth differently in every state, constantly converting and creating no set point of agreement.

    2. The Constitution amended that by just having the national government have the ability to coin money and therefore creating order in terms of monetary order.

    - Ramses Chairez 6th Period

  43. 1) One of the major weaknesses of The Articles of Confederation was the lack of national taxation and power to regulate trade which put the colonies in debt ; mostly to veterans of the revolution which was not fully payed off till later . 2) The new constitution addressed these weaknesses by giving congress the power to create and support an army/navy which enabled the colonies to collect taxes and regulate trade with foreign nations and states .

    Heriberto Mendoza 7th PD

  44. 1. The Articles of Confederation weakness would have been that there was no ability to enforce laws that were passed, for instance there was no executive branch.
    2. The new Constitution had created the executive branch to make sure laws were passed by Congress that had took effect and were followed and enforced.
    *Vanessa Faith Hernandez
    7th period

  45. Destiny Cantu 4th periodAugust 30, 2014 at 10:24 PM

    1. The most significant weakness was Congress' inability to levy taxes. Also, not being able to regulate trade between states was another weakness. It caused Congress to be inefficient as it did not have money to function correctly.
    2. As a result of the Constitution, Congress could now levy taxes and regulate trade between states.

  46. Desiree Ramirez- 4th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 10:33 PM

    1. The greatest weakness that the Articles of Confederation had was that it had no real power over states. They were incapable of enforcing any kind of law.
    2.In order to solve this problem the congress created a separate executive department in order for them to enforce laws.

  47. 1) In the Articles of Confederation number 7 stated the weakness of the representation of the citizens by only one vote for each state and not caring about the population there was. Many wouldn't be able to speak their interest in vote.
    2) In order for each state to have a fair number of vote they began analyzing the population of each state to able to have fair members vote in the senate and house of representatives. They can now represent many types of people's thoughts and vote equally.

  48. Larry talamantez - 7th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 8:19 AM

    1. the weakness of the articles of confederation comes from the fact that they gave too much power to the states and had a weak central government
    2. the constitution fixed these problems by eliminating a lot of power from the states such as, only the government was able to collect taxes and bills passed are done by congress and not the states

  49. Cassandra Lewis- 6th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 9:49 AM

    1. One of the main weaknesses of the articles of confederation was that congress could not levy taxes which caused the country to not have a lot of money.
    2. Now that the constitution is fixed the government can now create taxes which will allow the country to have money and now they can buy goods aomng other things.

  50. 1. The main weakness of the articles of confederation was that the state only had one vote regardless of population.
    2. Now that we have the House Representatives do the population count, every vote and win will be equal and fair

  51. 1. The main weakness was that there wasn't any taxes which made it difficult for the government to raise money.

    2. In the new constitution, congress now has the right to levy taxes and the ability to regulate trade between states and other countries.
    -Summer Salinas 6th period

  52. 1) the greatest weakness of the articles of confederation was the taxation on the colonies and that the articles of confederation had too much power to even control them.
    2) When the constitution was rightfully fixed they had enabled checks and balances so that the power was evenly divide in to the three branches of government so they wouldn't have to make the Same mistake again.
    Miranda Mendez period 5

  53. one of the greatest weakness of article of confederation was the taxation on the colonies. The articles of confederation had too much power to control.

    the constitution was rightfully fixed , they enabled checks & balances so that power was evenly divided into three branches of government .

    Gabriella Vasquez / 7th Period

  54. 1. government did not have enough authority to tax the states

    2. the executive branch, legislative branch and judicial branch were created to make sure government authority is maintained and so laws are enforced
    Jose Becerra 7th

  55. 1. By only having 9 of 13 states to pass laws, that was a drawback and a major weakness
    2. this was fixed by getting majority of the votes and basing their laws on that
    Cecilia Campos 7th

  56. Weston Redding -6th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 3:38 PM

    Week Central Government
    1. The Articles of Confederation gave most of the power to the state governments meaning states could have different rules and the country would not be a union
    2. The New Constitution gives more power to the central Government causing the country to be more united

  57. 1 the worst weakness of the articles of confederation was that the government had no power to tax.
    2 the contition fixed that by giveing the federal government the ability to tax the states and the people.
    Matthew Mazuca 7th period

  58. 1. The worst weakness of the Articles of Confederation was the inability to tax the people.
    2. This was fixed when taxes were enacted to gain money from the people and states.
    -Gregory Huerta 6th Period

  59. 1. In many ways more than one, the Articles of Confederation was unsuccessful, making things such as taxes and passing laws very hard to do.
    2. With the Constitution, it allows our government to have a better grip on power and on the economy. With those new written laws, passing taxes, fixing currency problems and passing laws were easier to pass.
    -Grace Lugo 5th period

  60. Katie mojica 7th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 4:52 PM

    1.) The articles of confederation lacked power & authority on some bases , which was one of the weaknesses .
    2.) The constitution gave our gov the power that he needed therefore the country was more united.

  61. 1.) Even though the Articles of Confederation had MANY weaknesses, I believe that giving each state one vote was the worst one because the states that had a huge number of population didn't get enough votes and they were frustrated by that.

    2.) Because of the weakness, we got two types of houses; the House of Representatives that it's based on population and the Senate which has two candidates from every state. One benefits the larger states and another one benefits the smaller states.

  62. Sonya Luna 4th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 6:48 PM

    1. The creation of the "league of friendship" between states was the biggest weakness of the Articles of Confederation because I believe it gave too much power to the individual states.
    2. The constitution resolved this flaw by giving the federal government more power, ultimately reasonably limiting the state powers and uniting all states under the same gov. with policies and regulations that applied to all individual states.

  63. Giselle Martinez 5th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 8:57 PM

    1. I believe that having one vote per state was the worst weakness of the Articles Of Confederation, the reason being that even though the populations were greater and lesser than in different states they still had one vote per state.
    2. The Constitution gave the states more power with having a representative for each state, each states civilians will have a greater say in what happens in their government.

  64. Their were several weaknesses , but the most severe problem was having one vote per state because their was a high percentage of population which wasn't giving the people the right to vote much.

  65. 2. The government made it equal between the house of representatives and Senate of the population in which the people could vote on equally .

  66. 1. A weakness would be that the national government could not force the states to obey it's laws. This is both good and bad, seeing as that some laws are for the good of the country and others may be tearing down our economy. But this puts a lack of control that the government has on the u.s.
    2. The new constitution gives the government more control to better our economy and preserve the safety of the people.
    Ariel Villegas -4th period

  67. 1. The articles of confederation had many weaknesses due to the fact that the Congress could not tax, regulate interstate trade or foreign commerce. Showing that the either had a little bit or nothing at all.

    2. The new constitution created a federal system and given the power to tax which they didn't have in the old A of C. Also in article 2 it enforced the laws of Congress and in article 3 it created a national judiciary with supreme court. Giving them a lot more power than the old article of confederation had back then

    Melleah mireles pd.4

  68. David vela - 4th periodSeptember 1, 2014 at 9:10 PM

    1. The articles of confederation's main weakness was its loos grip over the colonies.
    2. The constitution gave the government more power being able to actually take control.
