Monday, September 1, 2014

CH. 1 - SEC. 1

Principles of Government
Government and the State
Government is essential to the existence of human beings in a civilized society. What any particular government is like and what that government does have an extraordinary impact on the lives of all people who live within its reach.


  1. John-Michael Gonzales - Period 4September 6, 2014 at 8:52 AM

    Secure The Blessings of Liberty
    Thomas Jefferson believed that God gave us life, and liberty(freedom). However, everyone cannot be truly free because sometimes it can interfere with the freedom of others. The individual rights we have by states and the national government are not set in stone, but it is the governments duty to "protect" and "preserve" them as much as possible.

  2. Judicial Power is to preside over and render judgment on court-worthy cases. An example of Judicial Power is a court case. A homicide case is being heard for the first time so the judge has original jurisdiction over the case and sentencing.

  3. Ashley Ngeth - 4th PeriodSeptember 6, 2014 at 8:15 PM

    The Social Contract Theory-
    This theory is about ''agreeing with one another to create a state'' like you're deciding on all the powers and agreement to a state. Like for an example, voluntary act on free people is one that has impacted peoples lives on fighting about the polices power and justice.

  4. Establish Justice -
    Justice is the most important duty of a government & the most significant thing in a democracy. Although Justice has many different concepts, everyone can agree its truth, liberty, & fairness. But justice is also what the people make it mean. Overtime its meaning has changed and our country has not always met its standards. "The law, in both its content & its administration must be reasonable, fair, & impartial." Our country is continuing to reach this goal.
    - John Marroquin 4th period

  5. Sovereignty-
    Every state is sovereign, which means it has complete and absolute power within its own territory and can decide its own foreign and domestic policies. It is neither subordinate nor responsible to any other authority. However, the states within the United States are NOT sovereign; which means there are not considered states on the international level. Each state is subordinate to constitution of the United States.

  6. Sonya Luna 4th periodSeptember 7, 2014 at 6:31 PM

    Purpose of The Government:
    The United States government is the institution through which the American society and its liberties, safety, health, education, and many more public necessities/policies are enforced and protected. The powers of the government are divided into three branches: Legislative, the branch with the power to make laws and frame public policies; Executive, which has the power to "execute, enforce, and administer law"; and Judicial, with the power to interpret and determine the meaning of laws and to settle disputes within society.

  7. Cassandra Salazar 4th periodSeptember 7, 2014 at 10:00 PM

    Each state is its own strong and absolute power of their territory and can place it's domestic policies . Although states in the United States who are not owned by sovereignty do go get the rights and same privileges and a Sovereignty state . Each state is subordinated to the constitution .

  8. jessica garza 3rd periodSeptember 8, 2014 at 9:41 AM

    Government : Helps us all regulate the power that is given out for the public. They're public policies they cover the ranging from of taxation, defense and etc;
    As well as we all have to ask to do something before doing it they have to go through the three branches to put laws out so they can be approved. The three branches are legislative power, executive power, and judicial power. This what the government goes through before doing anything they want to do.
