Monday, September 1, 2014

CH. 2 - SEC. 3

Origins of American Government
The Critical Period
The Articles of the Confederation established a fairly weak central government, which led to conflicts among the States. The turmoil of Critical Period of the 1780s led to the creation of a stronger National Government.



    The Articles had created a government unable to deal with the nation's troubles. Inevitably, demand grew for a stronger, more effective government. Those who were most Threatened by economic and political instability (large property owners, merchants, traders, and other creditors) soon took the lead in efforts to the end. The movement for the change began to take concrete form in 1785.
    - Alex Arellano 6th period

  2. The Articles of Confederation
    The first constitution of the United States, which was ratified in 1781, created a weak national government.
    *The articles had no power to enforce law.
    *One vote per state
    *9/13 to pass laws
    *Powerless to regulate foreign and interstate commerce
    *Only one branch, the legislative branch
    *No national court system
    *Amendment with the consent of all states
    *No executive branch
    The Articles called for a stronger national government, leading to the Constitution.
    Natalie Carrasco pd. 5

  3. Luis Cruz - 5th periodSeptember 7, 2014 at 11:26 AM

    The Articles of Confederation had many weakness. Out of fear of tyranny, the colonist established a government that lacked essential powers such as the power to tax the people and enforce the laws. When the problems were trying to be dealt with, there was a challenge in making amends, because unanimous agreement was required, another weakness of the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution has the answer to most of the problems brought about with the Articles of Confederation.

  4. Eddie Mendoza
    period 7

    The Articles of Confederation was United States first government proposed by Continental Congress (first U.S government) in 1777 but was not ratified until 1781 . Although this was the first U.S Constitution it had many crucial flaws . Firstly, the Articles did not include a president out of fear of tyranny . Secondly, the government did not have power to collect taxes from the states so it could not pay off debt from the revolution . Also the government could not regulate trade with foreign states or nations . Lastly, the government had little jurisdiction over the states so they could not control if the states followed laws made . Although the Articles had crucial flaws it lead to a more prominent U.S Constitution that we have today , which addressed flaws such as trade regulation , taxes collection, and making sure that the states follow the laws .
