Monday, September 1, 2014

CH. 2 - SEC. 4

Origins of American Government
 Creating the Constitution
The Framers of the Constitution created a document that addressed the major concerns of the States attending the Philadelphia Convention. By reaching compromise on items about which they disagreed, the Framers created a new National Government capable of handling the nation's problems.


  1. claudia aguinaga 7th periodSeptember 6, 2014 at 5:32 PM

    -delegates wanted to find a way on how the new Congress would be constituted
    The new Jersey plan called for representation in each state regardless of the population
    The Virginia plan called for representation of each state based on population
    Both combined became the Connecticut compromise which created to houses in Congress
    1.the Senate would have 2 members from each state
    2.the house of representatives would have representation based on the population

  2. Cecilia Campos period 7September 6, 2014 at 9:05 PM

    Recommendation to revise the Articles Of Confederation; Delegates were going to meet to create a new government for the United States.
    The new constitution was made to REPLACE the Articles of Confederation. Although there were still disputes, they still managed to pass it.

  3. Tatyana Matthews -7th pdSeptember 7, 2014 at 7:41 AM

    Delegates wanted to find a way to strengthen the Articles of Confederation, but instead came up with the Constitution to replace it. While making the constitution the delegates had to come up with compromises to satisfy everyone , the Connecticut plan, which helped satisfy the dispute between big states
    and little states by making the congress bicameral with one house being based on population and the other based on equal representation. Another compromise is the 3/5ths compromise , which settled the dispute between the north and the south by saying that 3/5ths of the slave population could be added on to the souths population.

  4. The constitutional convention, full of delegates (55) from the states, (Rhode island did not send any delegates) met in Philadelphia in 1787 in effort to correct the errors of the Articles Of Confederation. In the hope of creating a new constitution, 39 of the 55 who actually signed it, the delegates agreed on compromises that could potentially better the American Government. The delegates agreed on the following:
    - house of representation, determined by population
    - two senators per state (Senate)
    - 3/5 compromise, representation of slaves
    Soon the development of the constitution came about.
    Oscar Cardona 7th period

  5. The Virginia Plan was the first call for a reformed government that had three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. They wanted the legislature branch to have a bicameral, meaning for it to have two separate houses. The house of representatives was to be based off state population or supportive money donated to central government.The senate however was chosen by nominated people.Congress obtained the power to "legislate in all cases to which the separate states are incompetent" to act, veto conflicting laws, make a state obey laws. The idea of Checks and balances developed.
    They wanted to make a new constitution but the plan was opposed by the smaller states' and William Patterson with the New Jersey Plan.
