Tuesday, September 2, 2014

CH. 4 - SEC. 1

The Division of Power
The federal system divides government power in order to prevent its abuse. There are two basic levels of government in the federal system - National and State. The Judicial Branch's Supreme Court settles disputes between the two.

1 comment:

  1. The framers of the Constitution wanted to create a stronger central government after realizing that the absence of a central authority figure was a major problem in the Articles of Confederation.

    They split the powers between the individual state governments and the federal government, while making it clear that the federal government was the central, and most powerful government body.
    They allowed the state governments to remain sovereign to a certain degree and allowed them to have any powers not specifically given to Congress such as setting up schools, establishing local governments etc. while the federal government would reserve the rights to declare war, set the standards for weights and measurements etc.
