Monday, September 1, 2014

CH. 1 - SEC. 2

Principles of Government
Forms of Government
You can group most of the world's governments into categories by asking three specific questions about each government. For example, the United States is a democracy with a federal and presidential system of government.


  1. Unitary Government/State -

    A unitary government is a system of political organization with a central supreme government which holds authority over and makes decisions for subordinate local governments. Powers of all provincial and local governments are specified by a single national government - therefore, the unitary system contrasts greatly with the federal system.

    Ex. France - some members of the local government are appointed by the central government, whereas others are elected.

    In the United States, all states have unitary governments with bicameral legislatures (except for Nebraska, who is unicameral).

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  2. Luz Moreno - Pd: 4thSeptember 6, 2014 at 9:04 AM

    Classic Forms of Government
    The classic forms of government are Types of government's that are used in different states/countries. They are different in they way they control the government.

    Example: Louis XI of France uses absolute monarchy, which states he has total control of the state and government. His court was central to political and cultural life during his reign.

    To this day many countries still use absolute monarchy as well as the other forms of government.

  3. Divisions of Power- is a system of government in the U.S where certain powers are given to the federal and state government.

    Ex: Congress can decide not to vote a specific candidate for the supreme court. The supreme court can declare an act of congress unconstitutional and render it void.

  4. Vanessa Silva - 5th PeriodSeptember 7, 2014 at 8:31 AM

    Comparative Government:
    This is a subdivision in which different or even similar governments are compared. Some forms of government are very similar to one another and just differentiate in the division of powers; some as well may inspire other governments to led differently. For example a federal government and a parliamentary government allow the people to vote on political leaders. However in a federal government the authority rest with the people as opposed to parliament with holding direct control.

    Ex: In many democracies around the world the government provides health care insurance for all, unlike in the United States. Compared to the most economically developed nations of democracies, the U.S. devotes a smaller percentage to its government.

  5. Cecilee Marroquin 1st period
    Section 2 - delegate

    A person designated to act for or represent another or others; deputy; representative, as in a political convention. .The transfer of authority by one person or group to another person or group.
    For example, the U.S. Congress may enforce regulations pursuant to law. " Never delegate authority; delegate liability. "

  6. Ricardo Gil - PD: 4thSeptember 7, 2014 at 8:33 PM


    A dictatorship is a form of government within a society or country in which one person maintains absolute power, and makes rules and decisions without the consent/input of others.

  7. Angeles Perez - 4th period
    Parliamentary government

    The executive branch is made up of both the prime minister and their official cabinet. The prime minster is the leader of majority of the parliament is is chosen by the body. The executive is in direct control by the legislature since they chose the prime minister and the cabinet is part of the legislature. The prime minister and the cabinet can remain in office as long as there is no conflict between them and the legislative. If there is conflict and if the legislative wins in an important manner, then they can vote whether to keep the prime minster or no. Hench why the parliament tends to avoid any and all conflict between the legislative and executive branch.

    Ex. Since the legislative branch controls the executive branch, there is no checks and balances in the parliamentary government. Countries like England, Canada, Japan and other governments are a parliamentary government.
