Monday, September 1, 2014

CH.2 - SEC. 2

Origins of American Government
The Coming of Independence
Changes in British colonial policies led to resentment in the colonies and eventually to the American Revolution. Ideas expressed in the early State constitutions influenced the development of the governmental system under which we live today.


  1. Second Continental Congress met on May 10, 1775. Revolutions had already begun, Battle of Lexington & Concord had been fought 3 weeks earlier, April 19.
    All 13 colonies sent representatives to the Congress, John Hancock was president of Congress. George Washington was commander in chief of continental army.

  2. Skye-Lyn Gonzales, period 6.September 6, 2014 at 8:55 PM

    The stamp act congress :

    Britain's tax & trade policy led to resentment in the colonies in the 1760's.

    1765- the stamp act, requiring the use of tax stamps on things like newspapers or documents.
    - hated because "taxation without representation"

    October 1965- 9 colonies sent people to stamp Act congress in NY. They made the declaration of rights and grievances. Parliament repealed the stamp act. New laws made -> boycott on English goods.

    March 5th 1770- Boston massacre : British troops killed 5. Then December 16,1763 Boston tea party.

    Skye-lyn gonzales period 6

    1. ***october 1765 and December 16,1773. Sorry !

  3. Cecilee Marroquin 1st period
    Section 2 - Popular Sovereignty

    Sovereignty of the people authorized of the government is created and sustained by their people.
    " Rule by people." Who are source of political power .
    " We the people."
    Popular sovereignty also can be described as the " voice of people."

  4. Weston Redding -6th periodSeptember 7, 2014 at 11:09 AM

    Britain's colonial policies contributed to the growth of the colonial colonies by setting up their self government because when Britain governed the colonies it took up to 2 months to get laws to the colonies from Britain. There was 3,000 miles of water between the colonies and the main land which caused for major delay in messages. Considering this delay, the colonies had to learn how to make decisions for themselves many times because they couldn't wait.

  5. larry talamantez 7th periodSeptember 7, 2014 at 4:56 PM

    common features of the state constitutions were popular sovereignty,limited government,civil rights and liberties , and separation of powers . the state constitution really wanted a weak central government .

  6. civil rights
    -the right of citizens to political & social freedom &equality.
    Civil liberty
    the state of being subject to laws establish for the good of the community with the regard to freedom of action & speech.

  7. Gregory Huerta 6th periodSeptember 7, 2014 at 8:55 PM

    Our First National Government
    -Due to circumstance became the Second Continental Congress.
    -British saw it as a gathering of traitors.
    -Revolved around the Article of Confederation (July 1776 - March 1781)
