Monday, September 1, 2014

CH. 1 - SEC. 3

Principles of Government
Basic Concepts of Democracy
Democracy rests on your rights and freedoms as an individual and as a member of society. The free enterprise system is a natural counterpart to democracy because it relies on the freedom of the individual to succeed.


  1. Theories of Democratic Government have five principles in it, however a Democracy ultimately is run by the people and thier participation.

    1. Worth of the Individual
    2. Equality of All Persons
    3. Majority Rule, Minority Rights
    4. Necessity of Compromise
    5. Individual Freedom

    Citizens must also participate in order to be united and have a voice there are many forms of this; of course voting is very important and key way of comunication, also citizens must also be informed of and about political issues in order to keep monitor of leaders and representatives. etc.
    Finally under a Democracy there is the Due Process of Law which states that anyone arrested is innocent until proven guilty and they're guaranteed a fair speedy public trail and no one under any circumstances ever may be tortured or be put under any kind of cruel treatment or punishment.
    Vicente Rodriguez Period 4

  2. Destiny Cantu 4th PrdSeptember 6, 2014 at 2:43 PM

    Democracy is a form of government where all eligible citizens must participate equally. The supreme power is invested in the people and exercised directly by them. It allows everyone to participate equally directly or through elected representatives. In a democracy voting is extremely important. A democratic government is different than other forms of government where power is held by one individual or in other forms where power is held by a small group. There are many types of democratic forms of government but the two most basic are direct democracy and representative. The most important principles under a democracy is legal equality, freedom and rule of law.

  3. Arleth Guerra Garces 4th PeriodSeptember 6, 2014 at 5:53 PM

    Equality of all persons.

    Democracy require the equality of all persons rights in many ways. All citizens are equal before the law and they have equal access to power in a democracy. There is no king or someone that has a higher standing. Peoples rights must be equal in democracy because they elected their government. All men are created equal and all men have the same opportunities in life.

    -Arleth Guerra Garces 4th period.

  4. Democracy and Internet

    Firstly democracy demands that the people be widely informed about their government.The internet is great information center to for people to learn about their government. You can learn about supreme court decisions, see candidate bios and what congress is up too. However as we all know not everything on the internet can be a trusted source so be careful where you draw your information from. Take responsibility and check the reliability.

    Roman Mendez 4th period

  5. Giselle Martinez 5th periodSeptember 7, 2014 at 7:00 PM

    Freedom of Opinion and Democracy

    The people have the power to vote their opinions about certain elections such as, senators, presidents, and judges. They vote for who they think best for said position, giving their opinion on what happens in the government. They are expressing themselves (or opinions) through their idea of a great leader, (or government.)
