Monday, August 18, 2014


This is meant to give you practice reading, analyzing, and doing reflective writing. Do not just copy material from the text. Put it in your own words!

Homework will be due by Sunday evening.


  • take good notes in class to help you comment
  • leave comments to the sections you chose
  • log in under "NAME/URL" & enter your name and period
  • title your comment with the topic subject, the vocabulary term, or the assessment question you chose
  • be sure to post your comment to the chapter and section it is taken from
  • give summary statements of key info
  • share with us what you feel we should know from that section in the textbook
  • be sure to give info and quotes in your own words
  • the more helpful your comment is for student review, the higher the grade you will earn
  • give your name & class period
  • read others' comments to increase understanding
  • if you selected a vocabulary term, give the textbook definition & a summary definition in your own words
  • if you selected an assessment question, give an answer along with a brief explanation of what it means.

To use the online eBooks for Economics and Government, visit the Online American Government eBook.

The best thing to get to help you complete your homework & prepare for the tests:

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