Sunday, August 24, 2014



Which of the purposes do you think is the most important for a government to serve?
  1. In your own words, summarize what the purpose is.
  2. Explain how you think our government upholds that purpose.


  1. 1.To protect the rights and liberties of the people.
    2. Through laws carried out by the executive branch of government.
    - Brandon Castillo 6th period

  2. 1.) The most important purpose of the government is to provide citizens with the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
    2.) Though our government is not always the best at establishing justice and promoting general welfare, it does its best to secure the blessings of freedom guaranteed to us via the Declaration of Independence. They do this by ensuring that our homeland is tranquil and safe through providing a military to protect our freedom

    - Lindsey Stephens, 5th period.

  3. Cecilia Campos - 7th periodAugust 27, 2014 at 9:42 PM

    1. I believe that the government's purpose is to serve the needs every citizen deserves by ensuring they are protected on the land of freedom.
    2. By finding a way to stay on the same page (even when there are disputes), they're able to solve minor or major problems.

  4. 1) In my opinion the government's most important purpose is to preserve public order and maintain a national defense.
    2) By making laws to to keep order in the country, even if the citizens don't like it, because without laws it would be chaos. Also by maintaining a national defense to protect our country and its citizens.
    Natalie Carrasco pd.5

  5. 1. I believe that the government's biggest purpose is to ensure the general welfare of the people it protects because the people are who ultimately make it possible for the government to even exist.
    2. Making sure people are good in their lives is kept up with by providing an education and having programs that help the more needy.
    -Cheyenne Raine Cisneros 7th

  6. The purpose of the government is to provide a structure and order for a civilized society. Our government puts laws in place to protect property and people , etc. and if you break them you get penalized.
    olga escalera 6th period

  7. 1) The main purpose of a government would have to be to establish law and order throught the land. It would also have to be their respinsibilty to protect its people and do things that should always benefit the people. These are leaders that have to stand up for the people. It should honestly be a government of the people, by the people and for the people as one of the greatest Presidents to ever live said.

    2) Even though the Government of the U.S. has had some major flaws throughout history, it has tried to keep its word by keeping peace throughout the nation and giving every person the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    -Luis E. Mendoza. 4th pd.

  8. 1. The purpose of the government is to ensure that the country and its citizens do not fall into complete anarchy.
    2. The way they do that is by incorporating and enforcing laws that limit powers to both the government and governed so that an equal, fair amount of freedoms and decisions are passed.
    - Michael Moreno 5th.

  9. Ashley Ngeth - 4th PeriodAugust 29, 2014 at 3:42 PM

    1. The main purpose of the government is to give citizens the rights, laws, and protection.
    2. They way the government handles the problems by socializing about the enforcement and powers. They make sure everything is done right .
    -Ashley Ngeth 4th .

  10. 1-An important purpose for the government to serve is being able to meet the people’s needs in whatever scenario.
    2-The government enforces laws that keep us on the right track which in some way or another benefit us.
    -Amber Cardenas 6th period

  11. 1.the main purpose of the government is to insure domestic tranquility that way things won't get out of hand and everyone can be much safer
    2.police officers,military,FBI all work to make sure everyone is safe

  12. Kimberly Preap, 5th periodAugust 29, 2014 at 6:22 PM

    1. The most vital purpose that the government must never cease to end is the protection of all it's citizens.
    2. Amendments, along with the majority of reinforcements, aid this purpose to ensure peace to all.

  13. 1. The most important purpose of any government is to ensure equality and security to all.
    2. Our government establishes this by the use of the Constitution and making/passing of laws.

  14. 1.To protect the rights of the people and to help pay their bills.
    2.Laws, cops, welfare, and Medicaid.

  15. Luz Moreno - Pd: 4thAugust 30, 2014 at 7:50 AM

    1. I believe that the government's main purpose should be to protect human rights.

    2. Our government upholds this purpose with the Bill of rights & The declaration of independence.

  16. 1) Government purpose to the nation it serves is to ensure sercurity, ensure public health, and ensure a stable economy, along with the protection of human rights.
    2) our government upholds it b having a moral background to give the feel good feelings and generally keeping the constitution upheld and the amendments close at hand. But sometimes steping nesr or over the line .

    1. Jonathan (duckbear) Rosales 6th period

  17. Vanessa Silva - 5th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 8:51 AM

    Purposes of Government
    1. The governments purpose is to tend to the nations economic health as well as providing public services to maintain a civilized public order. The government should also be expected to promote the general welfare for the nation in order to ensure the stability of the nation.
    2. The United States upholds to the purpose of promoting general welfare by providing services to society such as public education. The government also feeds the economic health of the nations by marketing activities and such.

  18. Tatyana Matthews - 7th pdAugust 30, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    Which of the purposes do you think is the most important for a government to serve?

    1. I think that the governments purpose is to protect and serve the American people.

    2. I think that the government upholds that purpose by allowing us to vote , allowing us to take part in the government and allowing our voices to be represented in the government meant to serve us.

  19. 1. In my opinion I think we need a government to maintain order in society, solve problems, and insure our freedom.
    2. Our government does an okay job at this with the laws that protect our rights and the congress men at least trying to solve problems, I think, and all the police and military that keeps us safe and keep order.
    - Alex Arellano

  20. 1. The purpose of government is to ensure structure and order in a country. In addition, our government protects us and gives rights that allow us to vocalize our needs.

    2. The government upholds such purposes by creating laws and listening to what the American people have to say.

    Oscar Cardona 7th period

  21. 1. The governments purpose is to maintain social order.
    2. They will protect all citizens' rights by enforcing laws, they will do everything in their power to prevent the people from losing confidence in their authority.

    Evalyn Gamboa, 7th pd.

  22. 1. The most important purpose of the government is to keep a stable nation and provide everyone with equal rights.

    2. Our government establishes justice and is continuously making new laws to form a more perfect union.

    - John Marroquin 4th period

  23. 1. The purpose of government is to create laws that assure the safety of our counrty and make sure that they are followed and than of course keep the counrty economically stable and most importantly protect our rights.
    2. Our government does its best in all of these and most of the time its enough but in other spots times get rough, however in the end Americans have their right to make thier life however they want it and I think that alone is a job well done.
    Vicente Rodriguez period 4

  24. Skye-Lyn Gonzales, Period 6.August 30, 2014 at 3:26 PM

    1. The most important purpose for the government is to serve and protect the people's rights.

    2. The government does this with the Declaration of Independence and with the bill of rights which protects the people's individual freedoms.

    Skye-lyn gonzales, period 6.

  25. Aaron Covarrubias-4th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 3:32 PM

    1) The purpose of a government should be to affirm and uphold both the inalienable rights endowed by God on to their citizens and the rights which the citizens feel they are entitled to.
    2) The government of the United States has in place the Supreme Court which assures that no laws infringe upon American's constitutional rights. Also the entire federal government system is designed so as to prevent any one branch (judicial, executive, legislative), from becoming too powerful and then threatening the rights of everyday Americans.

  26. 1.the purpose of the government is to provide its citizens with the right of life , liberty , and the pursuit of happyness
    2.the government does this by passing laws to ensure a perfect union.
    sergiodeleon p7

  27. 1. The government’s most important purpose is to provide the governed freedom, equality and safety.
    2. Our government upholds freedom by ensuring the public has a voice in the laws passed and in the way they are governed, equality by striving to establish a 100% non-discrimination policy, whether it’s discrimination based on sexual preference, gender, race or religious background, and safety by establishing forces like the police department to ensure that the public remains unharmed.
    - Dulce Jimenez, P5

  28. Arleth Guerra GarcesAugust 30, 2014 at 4:22 PM

    1. The purpose of government is to provide a system that will keep things in order and protect our rights and liberties.
    2. The government upholds that purpose by making laws and making sure the people follow them in order to keep things under control.

    -Arleth Guerra Garces 4th period.

  29. Davidrudy Perez-4th periodAugust 30, 2014 at 4:39 PM

    1. The main purpose of the government is to provide the citizens not only with protection but allow them to have their own liberties and freedoms.
    2.the government upholds these purposes by maintaining and reevaluating some of the laws we have today.

  30. 1. The main purpose of our government is to protect the people and provide a safe and structured society.

    2. The government upholds safety and structure by setting laws and providing security for the people (law enforcement) in order to provide somewhat of a civilized society.

    -Iris Gallegos 4th period

  31. 1. The reason of our government is to secure the structure and order in a country. In addition, our government protects us and gives rights that allow us to convey our needs.

    2. The government justifys such purposes by creating laws and listening to what the American people have to say.

    - Stfani Garcia, 5th period

  32. 1. The main purpose of the government is to provide its citizens with basic human rights as well as protect from that is presented towards them.

    2. Our government upholds these by way of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, providing the basic human rights, and protects us by having the National Guard be deployed when it comes to problems within the country as well as deploying the military, when necessary, if something is amiss in the world.

    - Ramses Chairez 6th Period

  33. Destiny Ramos - 4th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 7:23 PM

    Which of the purposes do you think is the most important for a government to serve?
    1. One of the most important purposes a government serves is to maintain union, in making sure that we do not divide.

    2.One way our government enacts this is that,they take our opinions and enforce them into everyday laws and programs, where everyone can be content with the outcome and no disputes can become.

  34. 1. Securing the blessing of liberty which is basically just making sure everyone has there own individual freedoms and that they are allowed there freedoms
    2. Well I feel like if our government could take away certain liberties given by the constitution they would and they do try.
    Roman Mendez pd 4

  35. 1.) The most important purpose that a government can give their people is to protect the people when there's a time of crisis and to listen to the people.
    2.) Whenever we are in a national crisis, we go to war and try to defend ourselves and the people who are out allies. Even though going straight to war is wrong in my opinion, we still do it. The government listened to the people when we think a certain situation was unfair and that's how women got the right to vote and how slavery was abolished.

  36. 1) Establishing justice is, in my opinion, the most important purpose of government. A government should be fair and impartial without biases toward any group in order to be a suitable foundation for people to prosper.

    2) Our government, for the most part, does a fairly decent job of establishing justice, however, even though we won't admit it, we still see an unacceptable amount of racial discrimination.

    Dylan- 4th PD
    There's an attractive girl sitting behind me at Starbucks right now..

  37. Ale O Torres - 4th periodAugust 30, 2014 at 8:30 PM

    1. I believe the main purpose for our government to serve is domestic tranquility. The are responsible for peace and order in our country.
    2. The government upholds the purpose by enforcing laws, protecting civilians through the military, FBI, police departments etc.

  38. Avari Jecmenek - 5th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 8:52 PM

    1. To ensure the rights and the safety of the people in our nation
    2. The government uphold these policies but enforcing laws and maintaining a structured society

  39. 1. i believe its purpose is to protect our rights
    2. by enforcing laws carried out by the executive branch

  40. Ale O Torres - 4th periodAugust 30, 2014 at 9:39 PM

    1. The theory I think most reflects our government is, of course, the pluralist theory. Pluralism is the theory that a multitude of groups, not the people as a whole, govern the united states.
    2. A splendid example would be a situation of open competition for electoral support.

  41. Destiny Cantu 4th periodAugust 30, 2014 at 10:31 PM

    1. The purpose of the government is to represent the majority, provide a voice for the people, and to provide protection of their rights.
    2. It represents the majority by selecting representatives. They provide a voice for the people that elect them. They also pass laws to ensure that they are protected.

  42. Which of the purposes do you think is the most important for a government to serve ?
    1) The purpose i believe is important for a government to serve is the right for the people to be able to choose their presidents,representatives, and officials so the people have someone to be able to voice their opinions and problems .
    2) Our government upholds this purpose by holding elections for the people we want addressing our problems and needs in society .

    Heriberto Mendoza 7th period

  43. Desiree Ramirez - 4th PeriodAugust 30, 2014 at 11:09 PM

    1. I believe the most important purpose of the government to serve the people their unalienable rights. Nobody would want to follow a form of government that would not guarantee those rights.
    2. The way our government ensures those rights is by having laws that make sure everything is fair. Such as someone is accused of something they must go to court first. A fair trial must be given.

  44. Luis Cruz - 5th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 7:07 AM

    1. The government's purpose is to ensure citizens are allowed life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
    2. These are guaranteed through the Declaration of Independence.

  45. 1. The governments purpose is to ensure the safety and well being of its citizens. And in America, to keep our inalienable rights secured.
    2. This is done thought the Declaration of Independence and the law enforcement and military of the US
    -JM Gonzales, 4th Period

  46. Our governments purpose is to protect our god given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit if happiness.
    They do this through enforcing laws and sticking to the Declaration of Independence.

  47. Larry talamantez - 7th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 8:37 AM

    1. the purpose of the government is to protect the people and to make sure there is order among the people .
    2. through laws that we must follow and we have a military that protects us .

  48. 1. The purpose of our government is to establish order and ensure safety to the citizens, preventing chaos.

    2. The citizens have a say in what they feel is right and wrong . We have police, judges, and courts enforcing the laws.
    -Summer Salinas 6th period

  49. 1. The main purpose of our government is to maintain citizens rights
    2. We should have more of a say in the majority of things that involve our community. We can rely on the government this way.

  50. 1.) The government protects us and gives us rights as citizens
    2.)By that they give us rights and the amendments we have
    *Vanessa Faith Hernandez
    7th period

  51. The main purpose of the government is to protect our god given rights and make sure we remain "free". They ate also supposed to help us when it is needed

    They give us laws to follow that protect us but there are many loops holes to them still making sure we have enough freedom.

    -sarah contreras 7th period

  52. the main purpose of the government is to protect the god given rights to remain free or to maintain civil rights.

    they give us rules to follow in order to be protected but are many ways to these laws to remain enough freedom.

    -Gabriella Vasquez / 7th Period

  53. 1) the government is meant to make sure everyone has their rights and provides the welfare for it's people.
    2) this is done through the bill of right and the constitution. Also the government makes sure that all it's power is divide up so we won't makes the Same mistake twice
    Miranda Mendez period 5

  54. Weston Redding -6th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 2:40 PM

    Establishing Justice
    1. The purpose of establishing justice is the making of laws to protect the people and have order with in the country
    2. The government upholds establishing justice by the formation of the 3 branches.

  55. 1: The goverments main purpose is to provide assistance for its people by making laws and providing benifits.
    2: The government upholds its purpose by makeing and enforcing laws and providing public welfare.
    - Matthew Mazuca 7th period

  56. 1. The purpose of a government is to enforce the laws and to protect their people.

    2.the government upholds that purpose by passing new laws and regulating what happens in the country

    Jose Becerra 7th

  57. 1. The purpose of the government is to discuss how to go about dealing with the issues the country is currently facing in order to suit the needs of the people as well as provide a safe community.
    2. They uphold the purpose by discussing it among various groups and deciding the best course of action for the problems in the country.
    -Gregory Huerta 6th Period

  58. 1. The government should be able to serve its purpose by helping the people it is governing. The government should also be able to pay attention to what what the people are saying and consider the ideas.
    2. In a sense, our government upholds that purpose by allowing us to vote in who we want to govern us in all three branches. Though our votes for the president mostly count in as opinions, they are taken into consideration most of the time.
    -Grace Lugo 5th period

  59. Katie mojica 7th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 5:08 PM

    1.) The government gives us laws to obey to make sure our country runs smoothly , & to ensure us with life , liberty & pursuit of happiness .
    2.) The government uphold this by protecting our rights & proving us with a strong millitary to make sure our country is safe .

  60. 1) The government should be able to serve and protect.
    2)They do this through applying laws and enforcing them through the police and other enforcement.

  61. Sonya Luna 4th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 5:43 PM

    1. The purpose of the government is to ensure the safety of the nation and to preserve and protect the rights of it's citizens.
    2. The government upholds its purposes by establishing laws and regulations and providing opportunities for military service to protect and preserve our country.

  62. 1) To hold the rights and liberties if the people..

    2) executive branch of government,
    Jakob Elias-7th

  63. Giselle Martinez 5th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 9:23 PM

    1. To insure domestic tranquility.
    2. By having people of the city, town, or village who uphold a certain responsibility in the role of a police officer or fireman to keep citizen safe.

  64. Cassandra Salazar- 4th periodAugust 31, 2014 at 9:38 PM

    1.The purpose of the government is to enforce laws and protect the people and their rights.
    2.This is settled by regulating laws and ensuring the safety of their people .

  65. 1. The purpose of the government is to protect the people and maintain an organized country.
    2.By establishing laws to keep peace and preserve order and people's right.
    Ariel Villegas - 4th period

  66. Purpose of government

    1. The purpose of government is to maintain social order within the confides of a union
    2. By regulation and policies this social order is kept
    - David Vela 4th period
